myfile=ROOT.TFile(“tree.root”,”RECREATE”) 对于第二个参数,有如下选项: “RECREATE”:创建一个ROOT文件,如果该文件已存在,则替换它 “CREATE”:创建一个ROOT文件,如果该文件已存在,会提示无法创建 “UPDATE”:更新ROOT文件 “READ”:打开ROOT文件进行读取 创建一棵树 mytree=ROOT.TTree(“tree”,”the ...
( 下面我们想看某一个tree,比如“BaselineTree;52”这个tree有多少个branch包括entry个数 TFile f ("mc16a_diboson.root") TTree *b = (TTree *) f.Get("BaselineTree;51") b->Print() 你可能会发现官方documentation里已经没有TFile::Get...
README ROOT Web Site The website is deployed at This new web site is based onjekyll. Pull requests from branches in the root-project/web repo itself are deployed at<PRNUMBER>. Pull requests from forks of this repository will not be deployed. Note th...
ROOT::Gpad ROOT::Graf3d ROOT::Graf ROOT::Hist ROOT::Imt ROOT::MathCore ROOT::Matrix ROOT::Net ROOT::Physics ROOT::Postscript ROOT::RIO ROOT::ROOTDataFrame ROOT::ROOTVecOps ROOT::Rint ROOT::Thread ROOT::TreePlayer ROOT::Tree ) 5.完成c++代码后进行编译 注意:编译中使用的 库计算机类型x...
README LGPL-2.1 The ROOT System The ROOT System The ROOT system provides a set of OO frameworks with all the functionality needed to handle and analyze large amounts of data in a very efficient way. Having the data defined as a set of objects, specialized storage methods are used to ...
CERN Root学习笔记 早期Root学习笔记分享,绘图、常用函数功能以及tree存储读取等。 /* * @Begin: *** * @Author: Liuchangqi * @Company: LZU * @Date: 2020-03-23 08:31:15 * @LastEditTime: 2020-04-27 20:44:51 * @Email: * @Descript...
tree tutorials .gitattributes .gitignore CMakeLists.txt LICENSE Makefile configure Repository files navigation README LGPL-2.1 license The ROOT System The ROOT system provides a set of OO frameworks with all the functionality needed to handle and analyze large amounts of da...
对于根目录上的问题,您应该强烈考虑先去root homepage,然后再去论坛。虽然stackoverflow是一个很好的信息...
CERN ROOT-粒子物理与核物理实验中的数据分析-第三讲
ROOTULIBS := -include:_G__cpp_setupG__Net \ -include:_G__cpp_setupG__IO \ -include:_G__cpp_setupG__Hist \ -include:_G__cpp_setupG__Graf \ -include:_G__cpp_setupG__G3D \ -include:_G__cpp_setupG__GPad \ -include:_G__cpp_setupG__Tree \ -include:_G__...