Set environment variables:Add this piece of code to any of those configuration files: ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc.# Set root directory (ROOTSYS) to the path where it was installed export ROOTSYS=$HOME/opt/root # DO NOT change those variables below export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...
There are two ways of setting environment variables on hep: backend/inspirehep/ must be added. Variables here Running Locally For running the enviroment locally you have the following prerequirements: ...
Physicists anticipated a complicated dependence on both variables. Studies of scattering at ever higher and lower scales continue to bear fruit to this day. A surprise at SLAC The big surprise from the SLAC experiments was that the cross section did not depend strongly on Q2, a phenomenon ...
Software: AliPhysics@ROOT6 Main environment: AliEn World-wide Computing Grid Local: (Dual-E5520 + 16* Dual-E5504) Development and post-processing are performed on local environment (vAN-20190328_ROOT6). But for alien, all jobs would run on latest version after debug....