CERN ROOT-粒子物理与核物理实验中的数据分析-第三讲
legx.AddEntry(frameX->findObject("Psi2sPsi2s"), "#psi(2S)_{#mu1#mu2}#psi(2S)_{#mu3#mu4}", "L"); legx.AddEntry(frameX->findObject("JpsiBkg1"), "J/#psi_{#mu1#mu2}Bkg1", "L"); legx.AddEntry(frameX->findObject("Bkg1Jpsi"), "Bkg1J/#psi_{#mu1#mu2}", "L"...
建议安装其他软件:vim、vim-doc、vim-scripts、emacs、colordiff、lftp、dkms、build-essential、libzlcore-dev、libxmu-dev。创建opt、geant4和file文件夹,解压root_v6.14.00.source.tar.gz文件并移动至opt目录。在~/.bashrc文件中添加source /opt/root/bin/thisroot.sh语句,路径为解压后thisroot....
Fisher信息 [latex]I(\theta) = -E[(\frac{\partial \ln L}{\partial\theta})][/latex] &space;=&space;-E[(\frac{\partial&space;\ln&space;L}{\partial\theta})]" ) I(\theta) = -E[(\frac{\partial \ln L}{\partial\theta}...
(no lock)|-|PWGPP| EMCal Correction|Perform correction on bad channel, energy, timing and clusterizer.|YAML-PWGHF|PWG/EMCAL| PID response|Basic PID task|-|AliRoot PID QA|QA for PID result on full AOD|-|AliRoot -|QA/AddTaskJetQA.C| Emcal Jet|Jet finder, create jet container|k...
Curves show total observed beam intensities and particle ratios. (A.G.W.)doi:10.1016/0029-554X(63)90392-6M. BarbierJ.D. DowellP.I.P. KalmusB. LeonticA. LundbyR. MeunierG. PetrucciL. SolinasJ.P. StrootM. SzeptyckaElsevier B.V.Nuclear Instruments & Methods...
In Fig. 12 the total uncertainty of K ∗(892)0 was taken as the square root of the sum of squares of statistical and systematic uncertainties. The uncer- tainty of the K ∗(892)0 to K ∗(892)0HRG ratio (vertical axis) was taken as the final uncertainty of K ∗(892)0 ...
Black lines (Total) show the total systematic uncertainty calculated as the square root of the sum of squares of the components Full size image Fig. 18 Components of systematic uncertainty of particle spectra obtained from the tof-{\mathrm {d}} E/{\mathrm {d}} x method in inelastic p +...
from Old French decre, variant of decret (12c., Modern French décret), from Latin decretum, neuter of decretus, past participle of decernere “to decree, decide, pronounce a decision,” from de (see de-)+cernere “to separate”(from PIE root *krei- “to sieve,” thus “discriminate...
root [1] pi (float) 3.14150f root [2] 如果不想透過REPL執行腳本,你也可以在指令界面指定要執行哪個腳本。要注意的是ROOT預設會在執行完腳本後進入REPL。 ❯ root -l macro1.cpp root [0] Processing macro1.cpp... PI = 3.1415... root [1] // 繼續執行REPL 若想要執行完後馬上離開則要加...