这些研发工作还得益于BESIII过去的经验(特别是有关漂移室和超导磁体的经验)以及高亮度大型强子对撞机(HL-LHC)的ATLAS和CMS探测器升级(如硅带探测器和高粒度量量能器)。CEPC探测器TDR参考设计始于2024年1月,并将在CEPC EDR阶段 (2024年-2027年)内于 2025 年...
Nothing is supposed to move faster than light, at least according to Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity: The famous E (equals) mc2 equation. That stands for energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. But neutrinos — one of the strangest well-known particles in ph...
* Headline inNew York Day Book, September 8, 1852 ### As we wonder about white whales,we might recall that it was on this date in 2008 that the Large Hadron Collider at CERN was first powered up. The world’s largest and highest-energy particle collider, it is devoted to searching fo...
四种对撞模式(对应于H、Z、WW 和ttbar生产)的同步辐射功率基线为每束30 兆瓦。CEPC还考虑通过将每束同步辐射功率提高50兆瓦来升级亮度,使240GeV 时的亮度达到 8 ×1034cm2s-1。根据亮度升级计划,两个CEPC 探测器将产生430 万个希格斯玻色子、4.1万亿个Z...
After a wintertime break, the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, reopened on March 25 to prepare for a restart in early May. CERN scientists are doing safety tests and scrubbing clean the pipes before slamming together large bundles of particles in hopes of producing enough data to clear up that...