Caary Capital 最近宣布与全球人力资本管理 (HCM) 技术 Ceridian 建立合作伙伴关系,以将其价值扩展到 Ceridian 的 Powerpay 客户。Powerpay 是一种基于云的薪资和人力资源解决方案,旨在满足加拿大小型企业部门的需求。与 Caary Capital 的信贷和支出管理平台一起,两家公司将通过提供增强的服务来满足加拿大中小型企业的需求。
截至 2022 财年,约 80% 的集团收入来自面向企业客户的旗舰 Dayforce 平台。 剩余的收入在针对加拿大小企业的云平台 Powerpay 和传统的 Bureau 产品之间平均分配。 以上内容由证券之星根据公开信息整理,由算法生成,与本站立场无关。证券之星力求但不保证该信息(包括但不限于文字、视频、音频、数据及图表)全部或者部分...
截至2021财年,集团近80%的收入来自面向企业客户的旗舰平台Dayforce。剩下的收入大致在面向加拿大小企业的云平台Powerpay和legacy Bureau产品之间平分。 以上内容由证券之星根据公开信息整理,与本站立场无关。证券之星力求但不保证该信息(包括但不限于文字、视频、音频、数据及图表)全部或者部分内容的的准确性、完整性、有...
L'estensione Registro paga di Ceridian consente di importare le transazioni del registro paga dai servizi di Ceridian HR/Payroll (USA) e di Ceridian PowerPay (Canada). Personalizzazione di Business Central utilizzando le estensioni Finanze ...
It offers Dayforce, a cloud HCM platform that provides human resources, payroll, benefits, workforce management, and talent management functionality; and Powerpay, a cloud HR and payroll solution for the small business market. The company also provides Bureau solutions for payroll and payroll-related...
Voit tuoda Ceridian Payroll -laajennuksella palkkatapahtumia Ceridian HR/Payroll (USA)- ja Ceridian PowerPay (Kanada) -palveluista. Katso myös Business Central -ohjelman mukauttaminen laajennusten avulla Rahoitus Käsittele kohdetta Business Central ...
Powerpay Employee Self Service puts you in the driver’s seat with an engaging, intuitive mobile experience to access your most current pay details and personal information with the touch of your hand. As an employee, being able to access your personal and pay information efficiently is critical...
Dayforce HR Software Payroll Workforce Management Talent Reporting & Analytics AI Powerpay HR HR Advisory Self Service Payroll Managed Payroll Time & Attendance Services & Support Overview Implementation Dayforce Accelerate Dayforce Integration Studio Education & Training Value-Added ...