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bool LineSearchFunction::Evaluate(double x, double* f, double* g) { scaled_direction_ = x * direction_; void LineSearchFunction::Evaluate(const double x, const bool evaluate_gradient, FunctionSample* output) { output->x = x; output->value_is_valid = false; output->gradient_is_valid = ...
Solutions By company size Enterprises Small and medium teams Startups By use case DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all solutions Resources Topics AI DevOps Security...
申请/注册号G1174085 商标状态商标已注册 申请日期2013-09-14 初审公告期号- 初审公告日期- 注册公告期号- 注册公告日期- 专用权期限2013-06-19-2023-06-19 申请人信息 申请人名称(中文)CERES ENTERPRISES LIMITED 申请地址(中文)82 Carbine Road, Mt Wellington Auckland 申请人名称(英文)CERES ENTERPRISES LIMIT...
**Representations of Quasi-Newton Matrices and their use in Limited Memory Methods**, *Mathematical Programming* 63(4):129–-156, 1994. Memory Methods**, *Mathematical Programming* 63(4):129-156, 1994. .. [ByrdSchnabel] R.H. Byrd, R.B. Schnabel, and G.A. Shultz, **Approximate solut...
Barlow N. G. & Tornabene, L. L. Comparison of central pit craters across the Solar System and implications for pit formation models. 49th Lunar Planetary Science Conf. LPI Contribution no. 2083, id.1687 (2018). Bray, V. J. et al. Investigating the transition from central peak to peak...
// NOTE: EIGEN_MAX_ALIGN_BYTES can be > 16 (e.g. 32 for AVX), even though // kMaxAlignBytes will max out at 16. We are therefore relying on // Eigen's detection logic to ensure that this does not result in // misaligned Jets. #define CERES_JET_ALIGN_BYTES EIGEN...
(computed using the methods described in ref.8), a target density of 2.1 g cm−3, and a projectile density of 2.6 g cm−3. Notice that the actual densities have a limited effect to the final crater sizes. For instance, a target density of 1.8 g cm−3results in...
5b. In all cases, we used an average impact speed of 5.1 km s À 1 (computed using the methods described in ref. 8), a target density of 2.1 g cm À 3, and a projectile density of 2.6 g cm À 3. Notice that the actual densities have a limited effect to the final crater...
Our measurements of the volume and area of landslide scars suggest that T1 landslides can fail to greater depths than T2 for a given scar area, consistent with depth‐limited failure in T2 landslides. These results are consistent with a layer of lower shear strength material overlying a stronger...