Ceres, named after the Greek God of Cereals is a dwarf planet that orbits the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Ceres is the largest asteroid / dwarf planet in the belt.
Ceres is the closest dwarf planet to Earth and the largest object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Since its discovery in 1801, Ceres has had multiple identities. First, it was thought to be a planet. Then, when it became apparent that it was too small, it was recla...
Ceres Facts Ceres is the closest dwarf planet tothe Sunand is located in theasteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter, making it the only dwarf planet in the innersolar system. Ceres is the smallest of the bodies current classified as dwarf planets with a diameter of 950km. Ceres Size Ceres...
Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt, holds fascinating clues about the origins of organic molecules in our Solar System. Research reveals that these compounds, the building blocks of life, may have arrived on Ceres through asteroid impacts rather than forming locally. The organic materia...
ceres 英['siəri:z] 释义 谷神星;色列斯橙色 大小写变形:CERESCeresCeReS 实用场景例句 全部 The largest asteroid isCeres, which is about a quarter the size of the moon. 最大的小行星是谷神星,体积约为月球的1/4. 柯林斯例句 CEREShas adopted this same approach also for EU and JAS certification...
We have studied the impact of multiply charged solar wind O~(7+) and Fe~(9+) ions on the surfaces of Mercury, the Moon and on a Ceres-size asteroid using a quasi-neutral hybrid model. The simulations showed that heavy O~(7+) and Fe~(9+) ions impact on the surface of Mercury ...
any other asteroid. As a comparison, the largest crater on 525 km asteroid Vesta—the second largest asteroid visited by a spacecraft—is∼500 km across8. It is indeed commonly observed even among smaller asteroids that the largest recognizable crater approaches the size of the parent ...
Asteroid Ceres Asteroids, surfaces Cratering Impact processes Moon, surface 1. Introduction The crater size-frequency distribution (CSFD) represents the distribution of projectiles that have bombarded a planetary surface (Baldwin, 1964; Hartmann, 1965, Hartmann, 1966; Neukum, 1984; Öpik, 1960; Shoe...
Dawn has also uncovered other intriguing details about Ceres, such as a seeming lack of large craters on the surface. The spacecraft previously visited a smaller asteroid, Vesta, and the relative number and sizes of craters on both bodies should be similar – but they aren’t, says Chri...
Ceres is considered a dwarf planet due to its size and shape. 由于谷神星的大小和形状,它被认为是一颗矮行星。 名著小说中含有该的句子(标明出处并翻译): 出处:《银河帝国》(Isaac Asimov) 英文原句:Ceres, the largest asteroid, was a world of ice and rock, its surface a mixture of frozen water...