权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 ceremony 显示所有例句 n. 1. [c] 典礼;仪式a public or religious occasion that includes a series of formal or traditional actions 2. [u] 礼节;礼仪;礼貌formal behaviour; traditional actions and words used on particular formal occasions ...
Gathered here tonight at this annualceremonywe have a whole constellation of film stars. 今晚的年会上聚集了一大批电影明星. 《简明英汉词典》 Make yourself at home ; there's no reason to stand onceremonyin our home. 请随便些,在我家不必拘礼. ...
ceremony 基本解释 n. 典礼,仪式;礼仪,礼节;虚礼,客气 ceremony 词性变化 名词复数形式:ceremonies 中文词源 ceremony 仪式 来自PIE*kwer, 做,履行,词源同Sanskrit(梵语), karma(业,因果报应). 俗词源认为来自地名Caere,罗马地名,因最早进行相关的宗教仪式而得名。
1. stand on ceremony : 客气, 讲客套; 词源解说 ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自中古拉丁语的ceremonia,意为仪式,典礼。考研真题例句 考研真题例句 OG 1.ceremony Write an email to all international experts on campus inviting them to attend the graduation ceremony. 给校园里所有的国际专家写一封邮件...
ceremony的意思、解释 复数形式:ceremonies; ceremony 基本解释 名词典礼,仪式; 礼仪,礼节; 虚礼,客气 ceremony 相关词组 ceremony 1. stand on ceremony : 客气, 讲客套; ceremony 相关例句 名词 1. The wedding ceremony was held on April fifteenth. ...
PENTAGON在2017年6月12日携迷你3辑《CEREMONY》回归,《CEREMONY》收录了由BTOB成员镒勋担任制作人的先行曲《Beautiful》、结合嘻哈与摇滚风格的主打歌《漂亮的要死 (예뻐죽겠네)》、献给Universe(PENTAGON 官方粉丝名)的《珍贵的约定 (소중한 약속)》、HUI的自创曲《谢谢 (고마워)》等七首...
ceremony n. 1. 仪式,典礼[C] The wedding ceremony was held on April fifteenth. 婚礼在四月十五日举行。 2. 礼仪,礼节;(社交上的)形式[U] 3. 虚礼,客套[U] There need be no ceremony between us. 我们之间不必客套。 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运...
单词ceremony 释义ceremony n 1 [C] formal act or series of formal acts performed on a religious or public occasion 典礼; 仪式 a marriage/wedding ceremony 婚礼. 2 [U] formal display or behaviour; formality 礼节; 礼貌; 礼仪 There´s no need for ceremony between friends. 朋友之间不必拘礼. ...