Without an SAP Learning Hub subscription, you can buy and retake the SAP Certification exam annually Course information Content A subscription to SAP Certification exam, one attempt provides you a 12-months access to Certification Hub, where you can schedule one exam attempt over your subscription ...
SAP拥有最终解释权。 项目咨询及报名 👇👇👇👇 E-mail:training_and_adoption.GCN@sap.com SAP 单次全球认证考试(CER001) 相关介绍链接 👇👇👇👇 SAP Global Certification 在线考试通过电脑或笔记本电脑上的网络摄像头进行远程监考,您可以通过 Certification Hub 全天候安排考试。 通过认证考试的考生将...