NEW YORK (Reuters) -Wells Fargo CEO Charlie Scharf expressed more confidence on Wednesday in the bank's progress to fix compliance problems after its years-long fake accounts scandal, detailing its efforts to implement risk controls. "For every one of our consent orders that we ha...
We believe that this radical industry realignment has permanently changed the competitive environment and business practices, such that Wells Fargo can now be in the investment banking business without compromising our culture and values. 我们相信, 这种彻底的行业重组已经永久地改变了竞争环境和商业实践,使...
BofA的CEO Brian Moynihan,薪酬减少了3.3%至2900万美元。 Wells Fargo的CEO Charles Scharf,薪酬增长了18.4%至2900万美元。 花旗CEO Jane Fraser 2023年的薪资还未公布,但2022年为2450万美元。 大家对这些CEO的薪酬变动怎么看?从他们的薪酬变化,也能推测出各大行去年的表现情况。今年求职的小伙伴们可以参考一下,想...
WELLS FARGO CEO RETIRESThe article announces the retirement of chief executive officer (CEO) John Stumpf of Wells Fargo & Co.Mont, JoeCompliance Week
Wells Fargo Chief Executive Charlie Scharf said on Friday that the bank took an "important step forward" in regards to regulations. Wells Fargo said on Feb. 15 that the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) terminated a con...
Wells Fargo President and CEO Charles Scharf joins 'Mad Money' host Jim Cramer to talk quarterly results, recent downsizing and more. Tue, Oct 15 20248:01 PM EDT Jim Cramerwatch now watch now VIDEO04:23 Retail sales slumped 0.9% in January, down much more than expected an hour ago watch...
金融界美股讯 众议院金融服务委员会主席、加州民主党众议员玛克辛-沃特斯(Maxine Waters)呼吁撤掉富国银行(Wells Fargo)首席执行官蒂姆-斯隆(Tim Sloan)。此前有消息称,作为其2018年薪酬计划的一部分,斯隆获得了200万美元奖金。这家总部位于旧金山的银行周三晚些时候披露了斯隆的薪酬,显示这位高管在2018年的薪酬...
北京时间1月24日消息,美国政府周四宣布,前富国银行(Wells Fargo)首席执行官约翰-斯托普夫(John Stumpf)被禁止在银行工作,并将支付1750万美元,以赔偿数年前在他任职期间曝光的僵尸账户丑闻。美国的国家货币监理署(Office of the Comptroller of the Currency)称,监管将针对包括富国银行前高管在内的多个人,...
今年3月,美国富国银行(Wells Fargo)CEO 蒂莫西·斯隆(Timothy J. Sloan)对外宣布他将于今年6月30日退休并卸任CEO一职。 2016年,时任富国银行CEO因虚假账户事件辞职,接任者斯隆在被任命为CEO之前已经在富国银行工作近30年。他担任CEO一职以来,一直致力于消除丑闻的影响,并修复与监管机构和政府机构的关系。然而事与...
what they're doing in their business mix. That's what you're going to see with Wells [Fargo] over time. And that's what you're going to see with State Street, actually. And we think State Street actually may be ahead of those other two in their inflection point. If you look ...