The CEO is not always the chair of the board and the president is not always the COO. Whatever the arrangement, the ultimate goal in corporate governance is to effectively manage the relationship between owners and decision-makers and increase shareholder value. Is CEO Higher Than President? Yes...
When comparing a CEO vs COO, it is important to know about their duties, qualifications and hierarchies so you can understand their positions in a company. While the two C-suite roles share some similarities, there are also many differences that distinguish the two. Here are some important ...
如果说CEO是总理,那么President就是掌握日常工作的第一副总理,如果这两个职位不属于同一人,那么CEO的地位稍微高一点。” vs “President这个称谓包含的荣耀和地位比CEO要高” 还是说,CEO实际权力较大较重要,但总裁的“荣耀与地位”比较高?(这样分听着有点荒谬) 赞(2) 回复 很忙牛仔 (知行合一) 2012-03-06...
\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a董事长的英文是Chairman(准确的说是Chairman of the Board),总裁是President,首席执行官是Chief Executive Officer,这是众人皆知的。但媒体并没有意识到这三个称谓的微妙差异,经常把President译成董事长或首席执行官,CEO有时候又被译成总裁,情况十分混乱。Chairman这个职务可能...
Jeff Matlow, president at By Title Only, a business consultancy firm, feels that a single person can handle the roles of CEO and COO only in the initial stages of a company. As the company’s size increases, things should change. He notes, “Once a company reaches about 30-50 people,...
董事长的英文是Chairman(精确的说是Chairman of the Board),总裁是President,首席履行官是Chief Executiv...
CEO vs COO: These are the two highest-ranking positions in the company. What are their main responsibilities and how they differ from eah other?
CEO : ChiefExecutiveOfficer 首席执行官 COO :ChiefOperated Officer 首席运营官 CFO :ChiefFinacial Officer 首席财务官 CTO :ChiefTechnologyOfficer 首席技术官 CIO :ChiefInformationOfficer 首席信息官 部门经理BranchManager 市场行政总监ExecutiveMarketingDirector 国际监管Controller(International)运...