CEO and Twitch co-founder Emmett Shear announcedthat he was stepping downfrom his position to be with his family following the birth of his first child. Shear has been with the company since he helped create it in 2006 as (Fun fact: We had a account back ...
在创办Justin.tv期间,2011年Justin.tv的游戏板块被单独剥离出来,将其命名为TwitchTV。据统计,Twitch仅独立运营一年之后就有超过2000万月活用户。后来在2014年8月,Twitch被亚马逊以9.7亿美元收购。 今年3月,Emmett Shear辞去了Twitch首席执行官一职,理由是要照顾刚出生的儿子。 图源:IC photo 事实上,Emmett Shear与Sam...
Major Nelson (MN): What does Xbox One integration of Twitch mean for the future of live broadcasting? Shear: This is our chance to break into the console space in a big way. To date, PC games have been the biggest things on Twitch, mostly because it’s incredibly difficult to broadcast...
Twitch cofounder Emmett Shear is the new CEO of OpenAI.Robin L Marshall/Getty Images OpenAI’s new interim CEO comes from the streaming world.Over the last three days, the future of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, looked uncertain its boardousted its former CEO and cofounder Sam Altman....
That’s why it’s utterly refreshing when Dan Clancy, CEO of the ultra-popular livestreaming platform Twitch, throws out opinions on his competitors with abandon. “[TikTok] was the first platform that didn’t just copy Twitch,” Clancy tellsFast Company. “YouTube just made ...
Stephen "tWitch" Boss' family on memoir Demi Moore on performance in "The Substance" Alex Cooper talks new SiriusXM channels Mother of Stephen "tWitch" Boss on his legacy... Talk therapy on the Friendship Bench How "Wicked" star Cynthia Erivo is defying gr... How the NFL is growi...
我们也发现,就在过去的几年中,正是 Twitch 开启了这种局面,但不仅限于 Twitch。YouTube 快速发展的模块之一是视频游戏编程。你想要学习怎样打到下一关,你想要看别人精湛的游戏技巧,你可能已经把视频游戏作为接近艺术的平台。你做了令人难以置信的事情,比如拍了一个短篇故事,这时,视频游戏就是你分享胜利、...
years. Beginning at the end of 2022 and continuing through 2023, Amazon initiated the largest layoffs in its history, cutting more than 27,000 jobs. Those cuts have continued this year, with Amazon announcing layoffs in itscloud computing, Prime Video and Twitch livestreaming units, a...
直到2014年,亚马逊以9.7亿美元的价格收购了游戏直播平台Twitch。 这让陈少杰意识到:直播行业的风口来了,往后则是更加激烈的竞争,必须要整合一切资源抢先出发。 他果断将A站的直播频道独立出来,更名“斗鱼TV”。 一切如陈少杰所料,2014年开始,直播行业陷入了“千团大战”: ...
OpenAI聘请Twitch创始人当临时CEO 微软公司首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)宣布,OpenAI前首席执行官山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)和前总裁格雷格·布罗克曼(Greg Brockman)及其同事将加入微软,领导一个新的高级人工智能研究团队。 此前,在旧金山当地时间11月19日晚,OpenAI联合创始人、首席科学家兼董事会成员伊利亚·...