参考链接 [1]https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/technology/tech-news/how-google-ceo-sundar-pichai-may-have-just-agreed-with-nvidia-ceo-jensen-huangs-sentence-that-wiped-billions-in-market-cap-of-quantum-computing-companies/articleshow/118189292.cms [2]https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry...
就在最近,谷歌 DeepMind 围绕 DeepSeek 模型成果及其低成本所发表的看法再一次受到关注与热议。2 月 9 日,谷歌 DeepMind 首席执行官 Demis Hassabis 在一场活动上表示,DeepSeek 的人工智能模型 “可能是我见过的来自中国的最好作品”。该人工智能模型表明,DeepSeek 可以完成 “极其出色的工程”,它 “在地缘政治层...
https://semianalysis.com/2025/01/31/deepseek-debates/#deepseek%e2%80%99s-cost-and-performance https://www.cnbc.com/2025/02/09/deepseeks-ai-model-the-best-work-out-of-china-google-deepmind-ceo.html
ArticleGoogle Scholar García-Álvarez S, Atristain-Suárez C (2020) Strategy, power and CSR practices and challenges in organizational management. Emerald Publishing Limited. Gounopoulous D, Loukopoulos G, Loukopoulos P (2020) CEO education and the ability to raise capital. corporate governance ...
Pichai said he consulted with the founders and controlling shareholders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, as well as the board of directors. Pichai said 2021 marked "one of the strongest years we’ve ever had in the history of the company," with 41% revenue growth. Google increased head count ...
Winning 2021 FAQ: What challenges do CEOs face when aligning with CMOs’ views on growth and marketing strategies? Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Headed Whatwe’ve learned in this past yearis that the way we do business has changed forever. From a critical shift in how we work, lea...
谷歌大脑(Google Brain)创始人吴恩达近日在旧金山退伍军人创业大会上表示,他对于谷歌取消不开发AI武器的承诺感到“非常高兴”。 上周,谷歌在其AI原则网页上撤销了一项持续7年的声明,即不设计用于武器或监视的AI系统。与此同时,DeepMind CEO哈...
谈到DeepSeek 所发布模型的训练成本数据,Hassabis 强调,DeepSeek “似乎只报告了最后一轮训练的成本,而这只是总成本的一小部分”。 与Hassabis 观点相似,独立研究机构 SemiAnalysis 也称,目前被宣传的 DeepSeek 成本价格“明显有误解”,仅计入了物料清单中的特定部分,并不能反映其全周期内的总体投入。具体来讲,“预...
TikTok 虽已恢复在美服务,但其 App 目前仍未重新上架美区苹果 App Store 及美区 Google Play Store。 而在近日,TikTok 官方更新使用说明,并在其中提供了安卓 apk 安装包下载和 iOS 端快捷方式教程。 DeepSeek 下棋忽悠 ChatGPT 认输 近期,名为 GothamChess 的YouTube 博主,上传了一条 DeepSeek 和 ChatGPT 进...