将通用电气公司(General Electric Co.)打造成全球最大企业之一并影响了几代商界领袖的杰克-韦尔奇(Jack Welch)去世,享年84岁。这位通用电气前董事长兼首席执行官的直率风格和不断的成本削减为他赢得了“中子弹杰克”(Neutron Jack)的绰号。他指导过的门生后来执掌了一些全球最知名的公司。 1999年,他被《财富》杂志(...
Immelt, Jeffrey. "The CEO of General Electric On Sparking an American Manufacturing Renewal," Harvard Business Review, March 2012: 44. Print.Immelt, Jeffrey R. 2012. "How We Did It . . . The CEO of General Electric On Sparking an Ameri- can Manufacturing Renewal," Harvard Business Review...
弗兰纳里下课早成定局——时间早晚而已。 早在今年7月26日弗兰纳里当政时,Yahoo France 曾经以《General Electric Company's $500 Million Dollar Man》为题,报道过GE要学习丹纳赫的管理,并且以较大篇幅介绍了卡尔普,称卡尔普为GE公司的5亿先生,是不是有点赤裸裸? 这个时候的卡尔普已经是履职GE董事3个多月了,并且...
早在今年7月26日弗兰纳里当政时,Yahoo France 曾经以《General Electric Company's \$500 Million Dollar Man》为题,报道过GE要学习丹纳赫的管理,并且以较大篇幅介绍了卡尔普,称卡尔普为GE公司的5亿先生,是不是有点赤裸裸? 这个时候的卡尔普已经是履职GE董事3个多月了,并且在GE的组织变革方面被董事会委以重任。
Jack Welch is a retired American company executive, chemical engineer as well as writer. He was the chairperson as well as CEO of General Electric. He is world’s one of the celebrated as well as respected CEOs. Below are some of the inspiri...
Jack Welch, who built General Electric into an industrial and financial powerhouse and became known for an aggressive management style, has died. He was 84. Welch, who was chairman and CEO of GE from 1981 to 2001, presided over a huge increase in the company's stock and operations. ...
昨日深夜(当地时间3月2日),杰克·韦尔奇,通用电气公司(General Electric Company)前董事长兼首席执行官离世。 和创办通用电气的爱迪生一样,改变通用电气的韦尔奇,也是享年84岁。 美国总统特朗普当天在社交媒体上表示,杰克·韦尔奇是一个商业传奇,“是我的朋友和支持者,他不会被忘记。” ...
NEW YORK, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- China's ongoing economic transformation has provided great new opportunities for multinational corporations operating in the country, Rachel Duan, president and CEO of General Electric (GE) China, told Xinhua in a recent interview. ...
NEW YORK, March 2 (Xinhua) -- Jack Welch, former chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of U.S. conglomerate General Electric Company (GE), passed away due to renal failure late Sunday at home at the age of 84, his wife Suzy said on Monday. ...