食品、消费品 百威英博(ABInbev) 全球最大啤酒酿造商百威英博(ABInbev)新CEO邓明潇(Michel Doukeris)7月1日正式上任。今年5月6日,百威英博宣布,其CEO薄睿拓(Carlos Brito)将结束他15年的任期,于7月1日卸任,由现任北美业务负责人邓明潇接替。邓明潇曾于2010年担任百威英博中国区总裁,2013年起担任亚太区总裁,让...
百威英博CEO称中国是他今年最期待的市场 全球最大啤酒制造商百威英博(Anheuser-Busch InBev)首席执行官Michel Doukeris 3月2日对广大投资者表示,中国是他今年最期待的市场。百威英博在中国拥有哈尔滨啤酒等品牌,中国是世界上销量最大的啤酒市场。百威英博1日表示,2022年第四季度,其亚太地区啤酒销量同比下降2.3%,一定程...
The article reflects on a clarification statement by brewing firm Anheuser-Busch In-Bev after a remark made by its chief executive Carlos Brito on support of shareholder SABMiller to buy its biggest rival, along with views of Selina Sagayam, partner at law firm Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, on it...
百威英博(ABInbev)宣布任命现任董事会成员Marty Barrington为新任董事长,此前,他从万宝路母公司奥弛亚的首席执行官一职退休。此外,百威英博还宣布将有4名董事退出董事会,包括3G资本首席执行官兼卡夫亨氏董事长Alexandre Behring与3G资本合伙人Carlos Alberto Sicupira等。 百事公司(PepsiCo)董事会选举首席执行官Ramon Lag...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)Master’s Degree Program in Supply Chain Management and Logistics 专业排名第1:1998年MIT首次开设Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG)专业,并于2010年更名为Supply Chain Management program。该专业设置在Sloan商学院下,偏向于物流在制造业和交通领域的应用,对理工...
Series No Recession Worries for AB InBev CEO December 03, 2022 03:14 AM GMT+8 Michel Doukeris says beer is "very resilient" and "affordable."
Carlos Brito - Anheuser-Busch InBev 薄睿拓——百威英博 Company headquarters: Belgium 公司总部: 比利时 CEO's home country: BrazilCEO 原籍所在国:巴西 Carlos Brito found himself at the helm of beverage giant Anheuser-Busch-InBev after the 2008 merger between Brazilian-Belgiian InBev and American beer...
贵州茅台成为中国最受欢迎的烈酒生产商和全球市值最高的酿酒商,市值(合2600亿美元)超过百威(AB InBev)、帝亚吉欧(Diageo)和喜力(Heineken)之和。茅台股价自2月初新冠疫情引发中国股市抛售以来已上涨近一半。其股价上涨与新冠疫情引发的全球酒业低迷形成了鲜明对比——全球各地政府采取的疫情遏制措施导致酒吧和餐馆关闭。
theSustainable CEO Talkseries events aim to bring corporate leaders together and explore effective ways of sustainable business development. The European Chamber is delighted to invite you to attend the Advanced Performer in Decarbonisation CEO Talk One whereBekaert ChinaandAB InBev Budweiser APAC, two...
scaled several on-line delivery businesses for alcoholic beverages across a range of e-commerce and subscription models, including AB InBev's TaDa Delivery in Latin America and PerfectDraft in Western Europe. He also held various executive roles at Grupo Modelo S.A. de C.V. and AB InBev. ...