您还提到了您从您所服务的其他董事会中学到的经验教训。 I'm wondering how you've been able to adjust your leadership style to motivate and inspire these more technology-based companies and these most bigger-than-life personalities, these male leaders at those companies. 我想知道您如何调整自己的领...
Raju Narisetti:Astonishing. Scott Keller:But those 1,000 reviews aren’t from CEOs. They’re written by people from all walks of life, all geographies and profiles. We’ve also been asked to be guest lecturers at business schools: at Wharton, Stanford, and Harvard. Caro...
The other, the second thing I'd wanna make, make sure you understand for your own leadership positions going forward from, from what I've learned is the incredible importance is getting really talented people to work with you and work for you as you become leaders yourself. 另外,我想做的第...
A 12-week transformation program to scale your company, leadership, and self. 1-to-1 CEO Coaching 1-to-1 CEO coaching and mentoring to scale yourself and your company. K2 Academy An online program to unlock the full potential of your entire workforce and accelerate your scale-up journey. ...
母校: Stanford University (辍学) 专业: 产品设计 Tim Cook — CEO, Apple 母校: Auburn University (B.S.), Duke University (MBA) 专业: 工业工程 (B.S.), MBA Cook为奥本大学工科生设立了奖学金——Tim Cook Annual Leadership Scholarship,在杜克他是Fuqua Scholar获得者,意味着他在毕业班前10%。
当时我申请 Stanford 的时候,相比于读一个 Master 再去 Hedge Fund 做 quant,我还是决定先去读 PhD,打好基础。当时做这个选择仅仅是因为我觉得,用高级统计算法做策略特别酷,还没想到技术壁垒和可持续性的问题。其实回过头来看呢,从 2015 到 2020 年这五年,策略起伏,市场变迁,竞争激烈,没有系统性的方法很难生存...
母校: Stanford University (辍学) 专业: 产品设计 Tim Cook — CEO, Apple 母校: Auburn University (B.S.), Duke University (MBA) 专业: 工业工程 (B.S.), MBA Cook为奥本大学工科生设立了奖学金——Tim Cook Annual Leadership Scholarship,在杜克他是Fuqua Scholar获得者,意味着他在毕业班前10%。
母校: Stanford University (辍学) 专业: 产品设计 Tim Cook — CEO, Apple 母校: Auburn University (B.S.), Duke University (MBA) 专业: 工业工程 (B.S.), MBA Cook为奥本大学工科生设立了奖学金——Tim Cook Annual Leadership Scholarship,在杜克他是Fuqua Scholar获得者,意味着他在毕业班前10%。
母校: Stanford University (辍学) 专业: 产品设计 Tim Cook — CEO, Apple 母校: Auburn University (B.S.), Duke University (MBA) 专业: 工业工程 (B.S.), MBA Cook为奥本大学工科生设立了奖学金——Tim Cook Annual Leadership ...
I think I first met Eric about 25 years ago when he came to Stanford Business School as CEO of Novell. 今天的客人确实需要介绍一下。我想我第一次见到 Eric 是在大约 25 年前,当时他来到斯坦福商学院,担任 Novell 的首席...