in Naval Architecture – Marine Structures and Hydrodynamics – from The Norwegian Institute of Technology in Trondheim and he attended the “Strategic International Leadership” program at International Institute for Management Development (IMD) and "Leading Digital Transformation" (INSEAD) He is ...
Cancer Support Community is a strong and vibrant organization with dedicated volunteers, highly skilled staff, solid finances and philanthropic support. This is an excellent opportunity for someone looking to build upon the great foundation of current leadership and expand CSC’s outreach...
“Mr. Wil VandeWiel is a seasoned leader and strategic thinker who will provide the transformational leadership that Unbound Solar needs to extend and solidify its future success in the solar industry,” said Joseph Wirth, Unbound Solar Chairman of the Board. “As a visionary, Wil will apply h...
general insurance, pensions and asset management. Under Mr. Yong’s leadership, these award-winning companies achieved above-market growth, developed new distribution channels and established digital presence in a highly
"It is an honor to assume this leadership role, particularly at a time when the company is so well positioned to launch and develop new treatments to improve patient's lives. I look forward to working with the great team at Vivex Biologics as we continue to shape the company for the ...