她认为,拿下新客户“不像一个新生儿,而更像是一场婚约”。 福克纳表示,Epic从未失去任何一个医院客户,他们的客户包括克利夫兰医学中心(Cleveland Clinic)、约翰·霍普金斯医院(Johns Hopkins)和波士顿儿童医院(Boston children’s Hospital)等全球近2400家医院,覆盖美国2.25亿患者(约占美国人口的2/3)。 从1979年Epic成...
朱迪思福克纳表示,Epic从未失去任何一个医院客户,他们的客户包括克利夫兰医学中心(Cleveland Clinic)、约翰·霍普金斯医院(Johns Hopkins)和波士顿儿童医院(Boston children’s Hospital)等全球近2400家医院,覆盖美国2.25亿患者(约占美国人口的2/3)。 业务模块几乎涉及所有护理领域 Epic Systems几乎在所有护理领域构建了一个...
朱迪思福克纳表示,Epic从未失去任何一个医院客户,他们的客户包括克利夫兰医学中心(Cleveland Clinic)、约翰·霍普金斯医院(Johns Hopkins)和波士顿儿童医院(Boston children’s Hospital)等全球近2400家医院,覆盖美国2.25亿患者(约占美国人口的2/3)。 业务模块几乎涉及所有护理领域 Epic Systems几乎在所有护理领域构建了一个...
这些“婚约”目前来看非常稳固。朱迪思福克纳表示,Epic从未失去任何一个医院客户,他们的客户包括克利夫兰医学中心(Cleveland Clinic)、约翰·霍普金斯医院(Johns Hopkins)和波士顿儿童医院(Boston children’s Hospital)等全球近2400家医院,覆盖美国2.25亿患者(约占美国人口的2/3)。
The Johns Hopkins Hospital Bio “The Next 100 Years of Healthcare” Tomislav Mihaljevic, MD CEO & President Cleveland Clinic Bio “Healthcare Lessons From The Past Two Years” Steven J. Corwin, MD CEO & President NewYork-Presbyterian Bio “Scaling with Strength” John E. Schlifske Chairman,...
School of Medicine. David received a BS from Yale College and an MD from Johns Hopkins Medical School. He completed his ophthalmology residency at Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute at Johns Hopkins Hospital and a retinal fellowship at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary at Harvard Medical School....
If approved, tebipenem HBr will address an unmet medical need for a novel oral antibiotic as an alternative to intravenous hospital therapy for drug-resistant cUTIs. In March 2023, we announced an exclusive licence agreement with Scynexis for Brexafemme (ibrexafungerp tablets), a first-in-class...
O’Brien earned his doctorate in pharmacy at Nova Southeastern University, his master’s degree in public health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and studied pharmacy and public policy at the University of Florida. His post-graduate experience includes the American Soci...