The CEO of US healthcare insurance firm UnitedHealthcare Group has been shot dead by a masked gunman outside of the company’s investor conference in what police have confirmed to be a targeted attack. The New York Police Department (NYPD) hasconfirmed to multiple outletsthat the CE...
United Healthcare的拒赔率在行业内居高不下,2019年前为8%,2022年上升至22%,2024年达到32%。警方在射杀汤姆森的子弹上发现“拖延”“拒绝”“清除”字样,这也从侧面反映了民众对保险公司拒保行为的愤怒。蒂姆·安德森的妻子患渐冻症,因United Healthcare拒绝报销辅助呼吸机器费用,最终离世,此类案例数不胜数。...
美国医保巨头CEO喋血街头,疑凶逃跑纽约上演全城大搜捕 联合健康集团旗下联合健康保险(UnitedHealthcare)的首席执行官布莱恩·汤普森(Brian Thompson)周三清晨在曼哈顿遭遇枪击身亡,这一震惊的消息迅速传遍了全美。纽约警方称疑凶冲他有备而来,并在全市开展了大搜捕。殁年50岁的汤普森于当地时间6:45左右在纽约市中心...
UNITED HEALTHCARE 的CEO 今早在纽约参加股东大会的时候, 被人在希尔顿酒店一梭子子弹下去, 他才刚上任没多久!所幸今天UNH的股价没受影响🙏 联合健康是美国最大的医疗保险公司, 这位仁兄是得罪了谁啦, 联合...
MINNEAPOLIS — Security companies say they've been busy since UnitedHealthcare's tragedy. "In all honesty, the phone's been ringing off the hook for the past day and a half," said Glen Kucera, president of Allied Universal's Enhanced Protection Services Division, of which UnitedHealthcare ...
据央视新闻消息,《纽约邮报》援引警方消息称,当地时间12月4日早晨,美国纽约发生一起枪击事件。美国联合健康集团旗下联合健康保险公司首席执行官(CEO)布莱恩·汤普森在纽约曼哈顿中城区希尔顿酒店外遭枪击身亡。 联合健康保险集团在其官网发布声明称:我们对我们亲爱的朋友和同事、UnitedHealthcare(联合健康保险公司)...
The killing of UnitedHealthcare’s CEO in New York has prompted health care companies to rethink and increase security for executives.
United Healthcare便由汤普森执掌。有报道称,截至2023年底,联合健康保险为超过2700万美国居民提供医疗保障,在全球范围内为780万人提供医疗和牙科福利。预计该板块2024年将为美国联合健康带来2800亿美元营收。当地时间12月3日,联合健康发布公告称,预计2025年调整后每股盈利将介于29.5至30美元之间,市场预期为29.89美元...
UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was gunned down in New York City Wednesday as he was headed to the company's annual investor day. The company, the insurance arm of UnitedHealth Group, canceled the meeting. The NYPD quickly informed the public the killing was a targeted hit, and a nati...
The day after a masked gunman killed the CEO of UnitedHealthcare in New York City, police in San Francisco gave the FBI a potentially valuable tip about the identity of the suspect: He looked like a man who had been reported missing to them the previous