你可以获得全国最高的储蓄率之一,一张免费的借记卡,可以使用数千台免费ATM机,以及Capital One屡获殊荣的移动应用程序的强大功能。 我们没有在每个角落都设立物理网点来提供交易服务,而是在标志性的城市地点建设了Capital One咖啡馆,作为标志性的展厅,在这里,客户可以体验Capital One最好的产品、技术、人员和服务。游客...
多年来,Capital One一直都在打造一家领先的金融科技公司,能够在软件和数据革命的世界中茁壮成长。今天,Capital One 85%的技术人员都是工程师,采用了先进的技术策略和现代数据环境;采用了敏捷的管理实践,而不仅仅是用于软件交付。Capital One的团队——甚至在法律和审计等领域——正在部署创新的方法来完成工作并推动结...
瑞士银行CEO格鲁贝尔(Oswald Gruebel)2009年的薪酬为280万美元。作为另一家去年盈利的欧洲银行──德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)的CEO,阿科尔曼(Josef Ackermann)2009年的薪酬为1,270万美元。 In another recent sign of the topsy-turvy world of banker pay, Lazard on Tuesday said CEO Kenneth Jacobs would receive...
accelerated the payment of bonuses by one month to the end of December, after CEO John Thain only grudgingly gave up a request for a bonus of his own. Bank of America (BAC) bought the brokerage firm on Jan. 1. It was one of several reasons why Thain was forced out as head of...
美国银行(Bank of America) CEO莫尼汉(Brian Moynihan) 的工资为95万美元。其前任刘易斯(Kenneth Lewis)通常的底薪为150万美元。公司董事们决定2009年不给莫尼汉发放红利。去年他大部分时间都在运营美国银行的零售银行业务。
Credit Suisse didn't require a government bailout and avoided the legal problems that ensnared its Swiss cousin, UBS, whose CEO Oswald Gruebel was paid $2.8 million for his work in 2009. Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann earned $12.7 million in 2009, another European bank that was ...
(CAP), which is used to control the relationship between capitalization and bank fragility, reflecting banks' main capital strength (Meslier, Risfandy, & Tarazi, 2020). From a traditional point of view, it is assumed that the larger the equity finance, the lower the bank's risk because ...
美国银行(Bank of America) CEO莫尼汉(Brian Moynihan) 的工资为95万美元。其前任刘易斯(Kenneth Lewis)通常的底薪为150万美元。公司董事们决定2009年不给莫尼汉发放红利。去年他大部分时间都在运营美国银行的零售银行业务。
美国银行(Bank of America) CEO莫尼汉(Brian Moynihan) 的工资为95万美元。其前任刘易斯(Kenneth Lewis)通常的底薪为150万美元。公司董事们决定2009年不给莫尼汉发放红利。去年他大部分时间都在运营美国银行的零售银行业务。
The second proxy considers both government ownership and the presence of a government official on the board of directors of the bank. We construct the dummy variable Government monitoring which takes the value one if either the government owns at least 3% of the bank shares 11 or there is a ...