Under the Cures Act, information blocking is not allowed, whether it is against the patient or the health care professional. Patient blocking: A provider not allowing the patient to access their records. Not honoring a patient’s request to forward their information to another provider. ...
The 21st Century Cures Act. 热度: recent advances in the biology and treatment of brain metastases of non-small cell lung cancer summary of a multidisciplinary roundtable discussion(非小细胞肺癌脑转移生物学和治疗的新进展--多学科圆桌讨论综述) ...
The recent enactment of the 21st Century Cures Act in the United States reduces statutory entry barriers to the discovery, development, testing, and licensing of drugs and medical devices. Drug and device makers also see the burdensome and time-consuming requirements of the Food and Drug ...
加速审批政策,如快速通道、优先评审、加速审批和“突破性药物”等,旨在促进药物的开发和上市,以满足患者对新疗法的迫切需求。美国21世纪治愈法案(21st Century Cures Act)的提出,旨在进一步加速药物审批流程,这在理论上能够快速将创新药物推向市场,帮助患者。然而,这一政策引发了一系列争议和担忧。一...
今年夏天,美国政府又提交了“21世纪治愈法案”(21st Century Cures Act)旨在进一步推动药物审批加速。
Top 10 Provider Misconceptions About Cures Act Implementation As health systems are working toward compliance with the provider requirements of the 21st Century Cures Act, many are discovering that interpretation and application of the federal rules raise many questions and misconceptions. ...
“After implementing institutional policies to comply with Cures Act information-blocking provisions, the time for patients to access imaging results decreased, and the proportion of patients who accessed their reports before the ordering provider increased,” Nelly Tan, MD, the study’s se...
To the Editor: In their Perspective article (June 25 issue),1 Avorn and Kesselheim argue that the 21st Century Cures Act, which is currently being debated in Congress, would lower the regulatory standards of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by giving it greater discretion to approve dr...
21st Century Cures Actneglected diseasesEbolaZikaincentivesThe priority review voucher program at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was established in 2007 to incentivize research and development (R&D) in tradiSantos Rutschman, AnaSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
The 21st Century Cures Act and Emergency Medicine – Part 2: Facilitating Interoperability doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2021.08.002Annals of Emergency MedicineMahima Vijayaraghavan MD, MBANicholas Genes MD, PhDBruce J. Darrow MD, PhDDonald W. Rucker MD, MS...