Google Share on Facebook centroid of asymptotes [′sen‚trȯidəv′as·əm‚tōd·ēz] (controlsystems) Theintersectionofasymptotesin aroot-locusdiagram. McGraw-HillDictionaryofScientific&TechnicalTerms,6E,Copyright©2003byTheMcGraw-HillCompanies,Inc. ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook spectral centroid Wikipedia [′spek·trəl ′sen‚trȯid] (optics) An average wavelength; specifically, for a light filter or other light-transmitting device, a weighted average of the spectral energy distribu...
In a triangle ABC,A=(-3,4), B(0,5) and the centroid of the triangle is (7/4,4).Then the Cordinates of vertex C is
Based on this analysis, the number of stringers and ribs of the multi-section variable-sweep wing is determined to be 4 and 20, respectively, as shown in Figure 4. The positions and dimensions of the ribs from the wing root to the wing tip are listed in Table 3. The ribs No. 2 ...