Infrastructure is one simple way that centripetal force is developed within a country. By increasing the ability of people, products, and services to connect, countries are literally more tightly connected. India is an example of a modern nation that has been putting major efforts into bringing ...
内容提示: LESSON 5 Political and Ethnic Geography The power of borders is illustrated more dramatically by current events in the former Yugoslavia. The nation called Yugoslavia was formed after World War I by a commitee of politicians, statesmen, and military officials. It is not unusual for ...
CENTRIPETAL forceCENTRIFUGAL forcePOLITICAL geographyPETROLEUM industry & tradeINTERNATIONAL tradeECONOMIC developmentFirst page of articledoi:10.1111/j.1467-8306.1961.tb00371.xROBERT B. McNEEa The City College, New YorkBlackwell Publishing LtdAnnals of the Association of American Geographers...
Related to centrifugal force:centrifugal pump centrifugal force n. The apparent force, equal and opposite to the centripetal force, drawing a rotating body away from the center of rotation, caused by the inertia of the body. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition....
the delicate yet complex relationship between carding area, carding speed and centrifugal force been further optimised, this together with the Crosrol renowned precision and stability of the critical carding elements ensures that the MK7 is the perfect solution for today's high efficiency spinning units...
1.(General Physics) acting, moving, or tending to move away from a centre. Comparecentripetal 2.(General Physics) of, concerned with, or operated by centrifugal force:centrifugal pump. 3.(Botany)botany(esp of certain inflorescences) developing outwards from a centre ...
This work develops a theoretical model based on the Footloose Entrepreneur Model of New Economic Geography, in which producer services, differentiated and with increasing returns, which act as intermediate inputs for manufacturing production, play an essential role in characterising the industrial landscape...
INTERMEDIATE PRODUCER SERVICES: CENTRIPETAL OR CENTRIFUGAL FORCE FOR MANUFACTURING LOCATION? This work develops a theoretical model based on the Footloose Entrepreneur Model of New Economic Geography, in which producer services, differentiated and with increasing returns, which act as intermediate inputs for...
centrifugal force (redirected fromCentrifugal pseudo-force) Thesaurus Encyclopedia centrifugal force n. The apparent force, equal and opposite to the centripetal force, drawing a rotating body away from the center of rotation, caused by the inertia of the body. ...
2.An apparatus in which humans or animals are enclosed and which is revolved to simulate the effects of acceleration in a spacecraft. tr.v.cen·tri·fuged,cen·tri·fug·ing,cen·tri·fug·es To rotate (something) in a centrifuge or to separate, dehydrate, or test by means of this ...