Concession card(优惠卡)和 Health Care Card(保健卡)可让您获得较便宜的医疗保健服务和药物。可以申领何种类型的优惠卡和保健卡,取决于个人的具体情况。有些优惠卡无需申请,如果您从Centrelink领取特定福利金,Centrelink会自动发放这些福利卡,无须额外申请,自动发放。例如一些较低收入家庭在申请家庭福利金时,Centrelink会...
Concession card(优惠卡)和 Health Care Card(保健卡)可让您获得较便宜的医疗保健服务和药物。可以申领何种类型的优惠卡和保健卡,取决于个人的具体情况。有些优惠卡无需申请,如果您从Centrelink领取特定福利金,Centrelink会自动发放这些福利卡,无须额外申请,自动发放。...
记得带上有效的Photo ID,比如护照或驾照。Medicare card和银行卡不是必需的,但带上以防万一。💼👩💻 到达后,向工作人员说明你要办理Centrelink。他们会帮你一步到位完成所有手续。记得告诉工作人员你要link Mygov。他们会带你到电脑区域,逐步指导你如何操作。💻🔑 别忘了自己的mygov账号和密码哦!别像我...
Card provided byCentrelinkyouwillbeeligibleforaconcessiononcertainmedicines. PensionConcessionCard,在购买某些药物时,将会获优惠。 5. YoumustalsoreadalllettersthatCentrelinksendsyouandrespondifnecessary. 你还必须阅读所有Centrelink给你的来信,如有需要时,要做出回应。
ato make sure that you receive your payment and concession card from the earliest date possible, you must return you claim and any requested documentation on or before 18 july 2012 . 要确信,您从最早期的日期接受您的付款和让步卡片可能,您必须返回您要求和所有请求的文献在2012年7月18日时候或之前。
Apart from being assets tested as an adult, Poppet may also be significantly disadvantaged if she were to inherit any assets. For example, she may miss out on a health care card, a disability pension, the loss of eligibility for accommodation and care programs and the loss of eligibility for...
• View and manage your Centrelink appointments by adding reminders to your personal calendar. • View digital copies of your Centrelink concession or health care cards. If you use a BasicsCard or if your payments are income managed, you can manage your own money to easily check your availa...
The federal government is giving its strongest indication yet that its Centrelink income management trial could be expanded. The Cashless Debit Card quarantines 80% of welfare payments and cannot pay for alcohol, gambling or be used to withdraw cash. A growing number of Coalition MPs are calling...
Working for the BasicsCard in the Northern Territory 50 per cent of this payment is quarantined through the Income Management system. It is put onto a BasicsCard that can only be used to buy certain items in certain shops. Regional Shire Councils are relying on this free pool of ... P ...
Card provided by Centrelink you will be eligible for a concession on certain medicines. PensionConcessionCard,在购买某些药物时,将会获优惠。 5. You must also read all letters that Centrelink sends you and respond if necessary. 你还必须阅读所有Centrelink给你的来信,如有需要时...