practices, and directly contributes to the mandated function of UN-Women to become a global centre of excellence and expertise. 提供更好的延续性和机构记忆,对知识、经验教训和最佳做法进行更系 统的积累、传播和利用,并直接帮助实 现 妇女 署成为 全 球英才和 专 业中 心的法定...
Examples were used of each identified type, drawn from the literature, to illustrate and clarify the capability maturity levels, from ad hoc isolated communities of interest to integrated and strategic CoEs that serve to propagate and transfer knowledge about an organisation's advanced project ...
memorandums of understanding with the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security, the Chinese law [...] 为了进一步加强与 30 多个机构的合作关系,该研究 院和澳大利亚研究委员会政策和安全高 级 研究 中 心、 中 国驻 巴黎 法律和经济协 会以及国...
Examples of the Explorer Amelia Earhart - The first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Italian explorer and navigator Christopher Columbus. 6. The Rebel Passionate - Nonconforming - Courageous The Rebel archetype personifies defiance, nonconformity and a desire for change. Reb...
Although many of the examples of DCoE we include in this briefing are global mega-brands like 3M, Nestle, Johnson & Johnson and Unilever, we believe and know from members we talk to who have a DCoE that the 18 techniques we explain in this briefing are relevant to all types of businesses...
Extra Examplesof excellence [countable] centre of excellence a place where a particular kind of work is done extremely well Darlington could become a regional centre of excellence for nursery nurse training. The university is recognized as an international centre of excellence for training dentists...
excellence — 瑜 See more examples • See alternative translations © Linguee Dictionary, 2024 Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documentscentre of educational excellenceTranslate as you type World-leading quality Drag and drop documents Translate now▾...
Part 2: Two Practice Examples Part 3: Summary Module 5 Assessment Module 6: Step Three: Read8 Parts Part 1: The First Read Part 2: Timing the Process Part 3: Repeat Until the Goal is Reached Part 4: Identifying the Nature of the Text ...
Hungarian composers, conductors and performers; Contributions of musicians Jenõ Hubay and David Popper to the music industry; Background of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra; Examples of string players that have acquired the technique and soul of the traditional Gypsy band leaders. ...
Examples of Pillars of Service and Known Fors Report Make progress on your evolution, with your peers Article Findings from the "Let's talk talent" Community session Testimonial "With your help, we have seen the difference the Information Centre of Excellence model makes. For example, since...