centre of curvature Thesaurus n (Mathematics) the point on the normal at a given point on a curve on the concave side of the curve whose distance from the point on the curve is equal to the radius of curvature Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Ha...
To determine the position of the object for a concave mirror that forms a virtual, erect, and larger image, we can follow these steps:1. Understand the Properties of Concave Mirrors: - A concave mirror can form both real an
The screen envelopes the opening angle of the mirror. The heat reflecting screen (3) has a spherical shape with a centre of curvature which coincides with the optical centre of the mirror (1). The mirror is also surrounded by a reflector (4) which is spherical and also has its centre ...
This mirror has its focal distance periodically controlled by a piezoelectric action. The curvature remains practically spherical between the two extreme curvatures. The mirror (2) is fixed to the base (1) by a piezoelectric column (5 or 9), which is activated by an AC voltage, and by a ...
centre of spherical curvature 球曲率中心相关短语 areocentric (以火星为中心的) 火心的 mean axis (椭球的) 中轴 destination (运输问题中心需要点) 需要点 included angle of arch (指中心角) 拱的包角 inferior tide (月球) 下合潮 ground clearance (飞机起落轮中心的) 离地距离 Mangin mirror (消球差...
The system characterises by its position the centre point of a shutter, with the curved image field also concentric to the centre point. The curvature radius of the image field is equal to the system focal length. In the light path sequence, a collector spherical mirror projects an ...
The mirror with variable curvature, such as may be used in a solar reflector, comprises a flat reflective surface (1) made of a resilient material and a tensioning assembly (2) capable of acting thereon such that its deformation produces the required curvature. The assembly has a number of ...
An imaginary line passing through the pole and the centre of curvature of the spherical mirror
The blocks have spherical concave surfaces, the curvature of each being centred on a point (C) which is also the centre of the mirror. A projecting part (9) of the mirror mounting is received in a block (10) which is able to slide in the first concave surface support (3a). An ...