Démarche de mise en place de la rachianesthésie continue au centre hospitalier de Lensdoi:10.1109/VETECF.2000.886157access protocolscellular radiocode division multiple accessintegrated voice/data communicationpacket radio networkspacket switchingquality of service...
Methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA), extended broad spectrum lactamase Enterobacteriaceae (EBSLE), P. aeruginosa resistant to ticarcillin, and A. baumannii were first computerized because they were the most threatening species in our hospital. However, other species, such as Stenotrophomonas ...
G. Bobossi SerengbeA. GaudeuilleElsevier Masson SASJournal Franais d'OphtalmologieYaya G, Bobossi Serengbe G, Gaudeuille A. Aspects epidemiolo- giques et cliniques au Centre National Hospitalier Universitaire de Bangui. J Fr Ophthalmol 2005;28:708--12....