“decentralized”强调空间分布上的分散性,即在空间上存在多个分散布置的局域控制中心,仅根据本地信息做出本地决策。 “distributed”强调决策过程的分散性,即任何决策的做出的需要相邻节点之间的通讯与配合,…
CENTRALIZEDVS. DECENTRALIZEDCOMPUTING: ORGANIZATIONALCONSIDERATIONSANDMANAGEMENTOPTIONS JohnLeslieKingl UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine 1. INTRODUCTION Managersofcomputingin organizationshave confronteddecisionsabout centralizingordecentralizingcomputingeversincethecomputerprovedtobe morethanjustanotherpieceofofficeequipment. Thede...
U. Ahmed, "Centralized versus decentralized team games of distributed stochastic differential decision systems with noiseless information structures-Part I: General theory," Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, p. 39, February 2013. [Online]. Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/1302.3452...
Distributed architecture is resistant to single points of failure, but new security threats might emerge. Interoperability Existing identity management solutions have limited interoperability. Interoperability is still in the works as the common standards on decentralized identity are still evolving. Trust...
Decentralized optimization of distributed stochastic differential systems has been an active area of research for over half a century. Its formulation utilizing static team and person-by-person optimality criteria is well investigated. However, the results have not been generalized to nonlinear distributed...
dApps, or decentralized apps, run on distributed networks rather than central servers. They have their own currency, so if users want to access premium features, they need to use cryptocurrency. How do I monetize decentralized apps? You can run a token launch, include a subscription element,...
Centralized vs. distributed access Centralized vs. decentralized access Conclusion What is centralized access control? # Centralized access control refers to a setup where the control and management of access to multiple entry points or resources are consolidated in a single location or system. In...
Alternately, we propose the (2) Distributed (or decentralized) management, in which the BS informs D2D users which Resource Blocks (RBs) they can use. In this paper, we focus on the RRM algorithms in underlay D2D communication for both centralized and distributed MS and PC, in order to ...