Fruit length and diameter (cm)Ten fruits of varying sizes (very large, large, medium, small and very small) were collected from each selected plant. The length and diameter of each fruit were measured using a digital caliper. The mean diameter of a fruit was obtained by adding the diameter...
Fruit length and diameter (cm)Ten fruits of varying sizes (very large, large, medium, small and very small) were collected from each selected plant. The length and diameter of each fruit were measured using a digital caliper. The mean diameter of a fruit was obtained by adding the diameter...
2.2. Procedure 2.2.1 Tools and Materials The tools used are height measuring pole, digital caliper to measure diameter, tally sheet, map of seedling seed orchard design, field notes, and stationery. The research material was in the form of plantation in seedling seed orchard with the age of ...
Snout-vent length (SVL, Mitutoyo, type Vernier digital caliper ± 0.01 mm) and body mass (BW, 10 g Pesola, spring scale ± 0.5 g) were also registered. To determine the available spatiotemporal heterogeneity of the microenvironmental temperatures for ther- pmipoeremguoldae...
Biomimetic nanoparticles with enhanced affinity towards activated endothelium as versatile tools for theranostic drug delivery. Theranostics. 2018;8:1131–45. Article CAS Google Scholar Rao L, Bu L-L, Meng Q-F, Cai B, Deng W-W, Li A, Li K, Guo S-S, Zhang W-F, Liu W, et al. ...
‘nls’ function R-stats) with ‘modpar’ and ‘SSposnegRichards’ of the R-package ‘FlexParamCurve’. The 95% c.i. were determined with the function ‘confint2’ of the R-package ‘nlstools’108. Themparameter is estimated from the data and fixed to allow others to behave as free...
Measurements were taken with a digital caliper Starret 799. The length of the head, used in description and comparisons, was measured from the anterior border of the dentary to the posterior margin of the opercle. The depth of the head was measured tracing a straight line extending from the...
Figure 1. Digital caliper used in the study. 2.4. Statistical Analysis The normality test (Shapiro–Wilk test) for continuous data was performed and the data were then subjected to an appropriate test. Independent t test was used to compare age, sum width of PMMCIs and PMCs between males ...
Monitorization of tumor volume by caliper measurement revealed that while o.g. and i.t. administration had no effect on tumor growth, r.o. administration was cytostatic, resulting in growth inhibition (Fig. 3A). Moreover, we confirmed that the ruthenium complex reaches the tumor by ICP-MS ...
Using two independent enrichment analysis tools, we found that binding motifs for proteins belonging to the activator protein 1 (AP1) family were among the top enriched TFBS (Fig.7G,H). It is well documented that AP1 binding to its respective motif is strongly dependent on the methylation statu...