Doppler Farhan Latif (Independent Publisher) dox42 DPIRD Radar - West Australia (Independent Publisher) DPIRD Science - West Australia (Independent Publisher) DPIRD Weather - West Australia (Independent Publisher) DQ on Demand Dropbox Dynamic Signal DynamicDocs (Independent Publisher) Dynamics 365(已...
The downburst on June 25, 2006 in central part of Shaanxi Province was analyzed with Doppler radar data from Xi'an. The results show that the strong single cell is combined and enhanced to cause a bow echo, leading to the weather with strong wind 33 m·s~ -1 . The height of reflecti...
Dual-Doppler and polarimetric observations of a tornadic supercell in central Oklahoma on 19 May 2013J. C. Snyder
P13A.5 Doppler-radar analysis of a supercell that produced a cyclonic-anticyclonic pair of tornadoes in central Oklahoma (2007 - 33Radar_33radar)PA. Dopplerradar analysis of a supercell that produced a cyclonicanticyclonic pair of tornadoes in central Oklahoma ( Radarradar)...
The Area of Interest we are tracking in the Caribbean has been Invest tagged, 99L, and recon missions are being tasked. Development odds are very high, with most modeling also suggesting that if the forecast TC doesn't run into central America, or at least not too quickly, Rapid Intensific...
Third, I am not sure if I am using 'fftshift' function right. Because when I increase the speed of the target, for example from 0 to 1, peak's position shifts to negative value (below zero). Forth, how do I define range and doppler resolutions and use them for x and y axis whil...
The structure of severe storms which occurred on three different days in the central area of the State of So Paulo are described, based on observations from the Bauru Doppler radar. On 14 May 1994, at least one long-lasting storm could be classified as a super-cell storm (radar reflectivit...
Analysis is carried out using a broad suite of synoptic and subsynoptic data but focuses on the level-II and -III Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) data from three Texas radars. The 27 May 1997 event was characterized by a back-building (propagation against the mean flow) ...
The article focuses on the use of total lightning observations from Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) Lightning Detection and Ranging (LDAR II) network to supplement Doppler radar measurements in the diagnosis of thunderstorm updraft strength and analysis of severe weather possibility in north-central Texas. ...
As part of a collaborative research project between Texas A&M University and the NOAA/NWS Fort Worth/Dallas Weather Forecast Office, total lightning observations from Vaisala's Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) Lightning Detection and Ranging (LDAR II) network have been used to supplement Doppler radar ...