Bibliographic and reference services, though well provided, should extend to training the student reader in an independent approach. The universities are providing national reference and information services. They should encourage greater co-ordination of library resources through co-operative activities. ...
The obtained doubly robust estimates (OR and 95% confidence intervals) with inverse probability treatment weighting by propensity score are shown for the main outcomes (group of reference: central cannulation). VA-ECMO, Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; RBC, red blood cells; OR, odds ...
Full size image In line with this model, patients suffering from FND-SSD show altered connectivity in critical hubs of the DMN and SN, like the PCC and the insula [206,207,208,209]. The increased PCC connectivity is associated with enhanced self-reference processing [207,208,209]. At the...
The clean reads were aligned to the cultivated soybean Wm82 a4.v1 reference genome using HISAT252 v2.1.0. The number of reads mapping to each gene and normalized expression value (FPKM) was calculated by StringTie53 v1.3.6. Read count was used to perform differentially expression analysis ...
Fig. 1. Tectonic zones and composite stratigraphic column of the central Sichuan Basin (Fig. 1a adapted from Reference [19];Fig. 1b adapted from Reference [28]; Fm.—Formation). Full size|PPT slide After experiencing multiphase extension-compression cycles, a series of thrust structures were ...
Space renovated:Main Library (shared space). Overall – 17 000 sq. ft; library portion – 9000 sq. ft Features of the new space:Learning Commons; shared space (library, student success center, tutoring center); classrooms for non-library instruction; a combined Reference/Circulation Desk; enclo...
reference using Bowtie2 v.2.2.327 with parameters: -q –end-to-end –sensitive –no-unal -p 20. Ambiguously mapped reads were excluded from further analysis using the program (v0.9.1; Details on results of data trimming and mappi...
EQKLISEEDL (H)6/10 YTDIEMNRLGK peptide from human influenza hemagglutinin protein synthetic peptide major capsid protein of the T7 phage human c-myc gene protein polyhistidine vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein Reference [22-26] [27-29] [30,31] [32] [33] [34] validated using parallel...
Bavaria. The laboratory provides specialist archaeobotanical services for Germany and beyond and has a comprehensive modern reference collection of Middle European seeds and an extensive library. The flotation technique for archaeobotanical samples followed a standardised protocol in which the material is ...
and abundance at all sites that we studied for this paper through the medieval period. The rooster is prominent in Zoroastrian imagery99; although, so are mythical birds, such as the Sogdian hybrid bird priests and phoenix with ribbons. Zoroastrian texts make reference to the cock as associated...