Central Park West: Creato da Darren Star. Con Mädchen Amick, John Barrowman, Melissa Errico, Lauren Hutton. Ambitious New Yorkers maneuver against each other as they pursue their passion for money, sex, and power.
Human activities during the Early Neolithic have had major influences on central European terrestrial ecosystems through deforestation, burning, animal husbandry and agriculture. However, much less is known about how these landscape-scale changes affected aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we examined diat...
1.5 Kluftrandzonen (fringe composed of en-échelon frac- tures): Am Rand einer Hauptkluftfläche kann sich diese in eine Serie von Flächen aufteilen, welche leicht zur Haupt- kluftfläche geneigt sind (twist hackles; Fig. 18c). Auf diesen geneigten Flächen können wiederum Feder...
1986: Die Lackbachschichten, eine klastische Un- terkreide-Serie in der Unkener Mulde (Nördliche Kalkalpen, Tirolikum). Mitteilungen der bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Historische Geologie 26, 93–112. De Blasio, F.V., Engvik, L.E. & Elverhøi,A. 2006: Sliding...
Rapporto preliminare sui resti vegetali macroscopici della serie Neolitico-Bronzo di Pienza (Siena). Riv. Archeol. Dell’antica Prov. E Diocesi Como 1976, 156–157, 243–251. [Google Scholar] Tongiorgi, E. Grano, Miglio e Fave in Un focolare rituale dell’Età del Bronzo a Grotta ...
sSianschea6r8p00deBcCre, athserienwBeatsualasahsasropcidaetecdrewasieth iinncrBeeatsuelda apsrsoopcioartteidonws iothf ointhcreeradseedcidpuroopuosrttiroeness o(Af lontuhse,rUdlemciudsu, oTuilsiatraeneds (QAulnerucsu, sU).lmLuast,eTril(iaaroaundnd 4Q80u0erBcuCs)),. PLiacteear, P(air...
Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Y Naturales.serie A.matematicasThomas L. Saaty.Relative measurement and its generalization in decision making. Why pairwise comparisons are central in mathematics for the measurement of intangible factors. The analytic hierarchy/network process. ...
Heckman MG, Elbaz A, Soto-Ortolaza AI, Serie DJ, Aasly JO, Annesi G, et al. Protective effect of LRRK2 p.R1398H on risk of Parkinson’s disease is independent of MAPT and SNCA variants. Neurobiol Aging. 2014;35(1):266e5-14. Article Google Scholar Heckman MG, Soto-Ortolaza AI,...