Through fundraisers, grants and donations, the CentralWestmoreland Habitat for Humanity has...Reeger, Jennifer
Finding reputable remodelers in an area as large as Pittsburgh can quickly turn into a headache—but it doesn’t have to. Skip the stressful searching, and head straight to the source of the best home remodeling for more than 45 years.
Mancinelli R, Campiglia E, Caporali F, Di Felice V. Habitat patch diversity evaluation for sustainability: A case study of a rural area in Central Italy. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 2010, 4: 341-352.Mancinelli, R., Campiglia, E., Caporali, F., and Di Felice, V. 2010. Habitat patch...
ecology and environmental planning, previously worked for UN agencies, including UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme)...
Workers Credit Union is pleased to announce their donation of $5,000 to the Habitat for Humanity of Greater Lowell as part of their annual
Huard JR, Proudfoot B, Rooper CN, Martin TG, Robinson CL (2022) Intertidal beach habitat suitability model for Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes personatus) in the Salish Sea, Canada. Can J Fish Aquat Sci 79(10):1681–1696 Article Google Scholar Jan A, Arismendi I, Giannico G, Flitcroft R...
Operational Prediction of the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) Distribution for Neon Flying Squid in Central North Pacific by Using FORA Dataset and a New D... The neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) has a wide-spread distribution in subtropical and temperate waters in the North Pacific, ...
female swordfish in catch increased with depths of hooks and then remained stable.The mean fork length of swordfish tended to increase with depths of hooks.This paper provided important information for improving our understanding of swordfish habitats and bycatch mitigation in the pelagic tuna fisheries...
in the absence of habitat loss, warmer temperatures and greater winter precipitation would drive vernal pools toward longer, more frequent periods of inundation. However, existing biological reserves for three of the five species are biased toward drier areas and if unprotected habitat were lost, the...
(BCMSRM) 1999, 2000) developed three strategies to conserve habitat for caribou in north-central British Columbia: (i) protect portions of caribou range by prohibiting industrial development (BCMSRM 2000); (ii) in unprotected areas, set limits on the total allowable impact to caribou range due...