are commonly used and include the Bray Curtis(BC) dissimilarity metric [15], the unweighted UniFrac(UU) distance [4], the weighted UniFrac distance [5], and the Aitchison distance [16], which is a Euclidean distance quantified following centered log ratio (CLR) transformation of abundances. ...
Differences in grain size distribution (螖GSD) as well as the U-ratio clearly reflect main stratigraphical units within the LPS. In addition, the centered-log-ratio transformation of 螖GSD (螖GSD clr ), which is sensitive to post-depositional grain size variations, traces units of intensified ...
To perform the statistical tests adequately, the data were log-transformed (centered log-ratio clr transformation) before testing. After performing the tests, the data were retransformed. Each parameter was tested for normal distribution in each campaign using the Shapiro–Wilk test. A Levene test ...
New functions pivotCoord and pivotCoordInv to transform the data into compute isometric logratio coordinates and viceversa. New function logfactorial to compute log(x!) with high precision where x is not necessarily an integer. DATASETS New regression datasets, D1, D2, D3, inttrade1, inttrad...
The variables are reaction temperature, methanol-to-oil ratio, and catalyst weight. If these entities are positioned inside the region in which the experiment is to be conducted, we need a mathematical model that can represent curvature so that it has a local optimum. The best model is the ...
$${\mathrm{log}}\frac{{x_{m,p}(t)}}{{x_{0,0}(t)}} = - tc_pp - tc_mm.$$ (21) Here, we have assumed that the transformation efficiency of clones is independent of m and p (xm,p(0) ≃ x0,0(0)). We estimate xm,p(t)/x0,0(t) from the ratio between th...
e, Box and whisker plot, derived from the datasets in b–d, showing the change in the normalised log10 TS/mC ratio after 60 minutes of illumination. Boxes show the interquartile range, with the middle line defining the median. X, represents the mean values. Whiskers show the minimum ...
(1) in the cerebral cortex, OPC-OLG cells in deeper layers tend to be more mature; and (2) the hindbrain contains a higher percentage of OLGs at more mature stages than the forebrain and midbrain (Extended Data Fig.8f–i), which aligns with the recent finding that the ratio of OL...
Glass beads, from finely grounded samples, were prepared with a sample to flux (Li2B4O7) ratio of 1:10 and analyzed for major elements using the fundamental parameter method and analytical errors are usually less than 1% (see Murata, 1993). Table 2. The result of major oxides (wt.%),...
logarithm ratio transformation / factor analysis / East Asian winter monsoon / sensitive grain size / the central mud area of the South Yellow Sea 中国作为一个受季风影响的农业大国,农业经济的兴衰与东亚季风有密不可分的关系。在全球气候变化日益受到关注的大背景下,东亚季风的时空演化特征也就成...