内容提示: arXiv:2210.17191v1 [math.PR] 31 Oct 2022Central limit theorem for intrinsic Fr´ echet meansin smooth compact Riemannian manifoldsThomas Hotz∗, Huiling Le†, Andrew T.A. Wood‡§AbstractWe prove a central limit theorem (CLT) for the Fr´ echet mean of inde-pendent and...
The central limit theorem states that if you take sufficiently large samples from a population, the samples’ means will be normally distributed.
For an equilibrium measure of an H\"older potential, we prove ananalogue of the Central Limit Theorem for the fluctuations of the logarithm ofthe measure of balls as the radius goes to zero. An unexpected consequence isthat when the measure is not absolutely continuous, then half of the ...
A central limit theorem for stationary linear processes generated by linearly positively quadrant-dependent process TS Kim,JI Baek.A central limit theorem for stationary linear processes generated by linearly positively quadrant-dependent process. Statistics and Probability ... TS Kim,JI Baek 被引量: ...
(1.1)We prove a non-Gaussian limit theorem for these normalized sums S N with anappropriate norming constant A N if this vector valued Gaussian stationary ran-dom f i eld X(p), p ∈ Z ν , and function H(x 1 ,...,x d ) satisfy certain conditions.1 ...
4 Central Limit Theorem We now consider a generalization of the notion of the distribution under E of a random variables. To this purpose we can make a setΩ a linear space of real functionsH defined onΩ as well as a sublinear expectationE...
Variability of the Sample Mean By the Central Limit Theorem, the probability distribution of the mean of a large random sample is roughly normal. The bell curve is centered at the population mean. Some of the sample means are higher and some are...
Theorem 1. Consider the system of Eq. (3)–(4). Let γ be a positive constant. Suppose the pair (A H) is detectable. The fol- lowing modified Riccati inequality is derived from [9, 10]. ∆ (P) := AT P + PA + 1 γ2 PGGT P − PBBT P + HT H + (P − PD)BBT ...
In any case, superparamagnetic radius gives a superior limit to ION size. Although in principle magnetic targeting should be feasible with any accuracy, currently there are no systems capable of a precise deep focusing. A general limit for the creation of a magnetic static trap had already been...
According to Parseval's theorem, this corresponds to the root mean square of the resultant acceleration within the 3–8 Hz frequency band. Maximal power was the maximal absolute power within the 3–8 Hz band. Frequency of maximal power was the frequency at which the power was maximal....