The boundary between the Swede Hollow Formation and the Floris Formation is important for mapping of coal and possible coal gas resources in Iowa. The boundary was mapped in south-central Iowa, where about ninety percent of the contact in the state occurs, using several thousand wells and outcr...
In areas of sparse outcrop and well data, the boundary was mapped using a known stratigraphic interval from overlying mapped units. Data for the overlying Marmaton/Cherokee boundary were supplied by the Iowa Geological Survey and USGS from the STATEMAP Project.FRIZZELL, Jeffery C...
- Civilian population with health insurance: 99.3% - Unemployment rate: 2.1% - Families with income below poverty level: 0.8% According to NeighborhoodScout, more than 86% of the workforce in Robins, Iowa, located just outside of Cedar Rapids, is employed in white-collar jobs. Most residents ...