Part.3 Ebook Central (EBC)电子书平台介绍 Ebook Central 平台(简称EBC),是一个综合类的电子书平台,可为图书馆用户提供各个学科、类型的电子书资源以及订购方案。 收录全球2400多家著名大学出...
2023 XI'AN SHIYOU UNIVERSITYSpecial Scholarship Enrollment Guide for 2023Xi'an City "Five Central Asian Countries"International Students Education and Training ProgramIntroductionWhy Choose XSYU?uFirst:The first institute to cultivate ...
“Proposed establishment of the International Centre for Girls’ and Women’s Education in Africa (CIEFFA) under the auspices of UNESCO, in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)”, 5.8 “Cooperation between UNESCO and OECD in drafting guidelines on ‘Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education’”, ...
The German Ministry of Education and Research sponsored project "Life course reconstruction of mobile individuals in sedentary societies", run by the Chair of Proto- and Prehistory, University of Leipzig, and by the Dept. of Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI- ...
4G; composite position: -37.1 m), a calcareous mudrock (16Cj237.5; composite position: 193 m), a calcareous mudrock from the CIE interval (18Ld-16; composite position: -31m) and a dolomitic mudrock (15Cj79; composite position: 54 m). The samples 16Cj237.5 and 18Ld-16 were ...
This algorithm, based on impact parameter and secondary vertex information, has an average per-jet effi- ciency of 70 % for jets originating from b-quarks in sim- ulated tt¯ events and rejects approximately 99 % of jets orig- inating from light quarks and gluons. The scalar sum of ...
We thank project colleagues Justyna Ciesielczuk, Krzysztof Gaidzik, Beata Gebus-Czupyt, and Andrzej Tyc for help in the field and project administration. We thank IZRK (ZRC SAZU) members Matej Blatnik, Janez Mulec, Blaž Kogovšek, Cyril Mayaud, and Nataša Ravbar, and Andrea Martí...
Signed inform consent was obtained from all participants (Act No. FM-CIE-0010-23). At the time of the study, subjects had completed two hours of lecture on the anatomy of the shoulder, without any practical component. Subjects were divided into random groups, assuming students held a similar...
2023 Fall Xi\x26#39;an City \x26quot;Five Central Asian Countries\x26quot; International Students Education and Training Program of XYSU
Nowak, S. Pojęcie Postawy w Teoriach i Stosowanych Badaniach Społecznych. In Teorie Postaw; Nowak, S., Ed.; PWN: Warszawa, Poland, 1973; pp. 17–88. [Google Scholar] Klekotko, M. Wiejskie społeczeństwo obywatelskie czy wiejskie społeczności obywatelskie? O problemach ...