He/She shall be required to periodically review the Annual Action Plan of the Association and tender necessary advice to the Association on shortfalls if any. Any special observation/Report on the Action plan should be forwarded to the Chief Welfare Officer, Department o...
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Japan government tender for Research Institute for Microbial Diseases Central Laboratory for Biological Hazardous Microbes Acces..., TOT Ref No: 79914001, Tender Ref No: -, Deadline: 22nd Mar 2023, Register to view latest Online Global Tenders, E-Tender,
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is found that the E.M.D. submitted is less than 3% of total value of the stores offered ( subject to max Rs 5000/) , the offer of the bidder will be rejected.Earnest Money Deposit is Refundable.If the bidder is a supplier registered withCentral StorePurchase Organisation (CSPO of Govt...
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It is the legal tender issued by the Central Bank in a digital form as a medium of exchange, store of value and unit of account. It is a fiat currency issued in a digital form and has the same value as the fiat currency. Currently, only commercial banks and certain permitted financial...
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tender for excavation loading of pond ash from ash dyke of sstpp dongalia transporting and unloading at site of road projects of nhai harda temagaon section and other central or state govt road department road authority pmgsy road project abandoned mines