Digital Revolution in Medicine; Join Us as We Visit Central Queensland Medical Imaging and Discover How Modern Technology Is Integrated into Patient Care
The de-ionised water droplet was automatically delivered to the polymer film using a syringe with a blunt 27 gauge needle. The camera recorded 750 images of the droplet and film over a period of 30 s. The contact angle (θ) was calculated by the average of the left and right angles. ...
TheraecfcourreSa,ocmay enofeimtwhpemrnoeveuethmraoeldnatxisisshdpaoevsveietiinloodnpeaeesddsebtseosemndeeantcethruimesviniengdedwtyhintehamntheiecussettrrmaalienathxsotiisdllspn. oeHesoditwsioefunvretirhn,ertrehleiixaspbpilloiartpyateaiorn.nd.In the propTohseerdefomree,thaon...
To analyse the activities of POD and CAT, 1.0 g fresh leaves were ground in 25 mL sodium phosphate buffer (50 mM pH 7.8) and centrifuged at 12000 rpm (4 °C) for 20 mins. The supernatant was collected to measure the activities of POD and CAT referred to the methods de...
inthgeinpdairpeecrtsTwCMhiScharehainvcelumdeodtivation toinctohrirserleavteiewth.eAsgeennseorarlsoiugtnlianleswwaisthpetrofoorlmFeWd ounsiinndgireinctdTiCreMctSTfoCrMtuSrnainrge oinpecrluatdioends in this reivnitehwis.stAudgyefnorerthael loausttltiwnoe dwecaasdpese.rAfodr...
East Coast ports with Guatemala and Honduras. The service will provide increase reefer and 45-slots, to cater to the requirements of the existing market and to allow for growth in the U.S. East Coast-Central American markets.EBSCO_bspPacific Shipper...
New media plays central role in Obamas successIntelligent use of the new social media was central to the success of Barack Obamas bid for the US presidency, according to Martin Thomas and David Brain, the authors of 'Crowd Surfing'....
Alterations of retinal pigment epithelium in central serous chorior- etinopathy. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. 35:225-230, 2007.Hirami Y, Tsujikawa A, Sasahara M, Gotoh N, Tamura H, Ota- ni A, et al.: Alterations of retinal pigment epithelium in central serous chorioretinopathy. Clin Exp ...
The international financial markets have recently swayed widely due to a variety of unexpected problems such as the September 11, 2001 terrorism, a series of corporate scandals represented by Enron and WorldCom and, most recently, the Argentine collapse. Accordingly, the local bond markets in ...
Weeden, C'Reda J