The article focuses on the issue related to the economic history in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Consumer Price Index (CPI) ending in 2007 is at 10.0% year-on-year than the 6.5% in the previous result, which results to a currency revaluation and reduction of supply-side capacity ...
The UAE central bank has kept its overnight repurchase rate unchanged at a record-low 1% since January 2009 but money market rates began rising markedly in August. The country will post a fiscal deficit this year, as a result of lower oil prices. To fill the gap, authorities are ...
(Tarija Aromas and Flavours, primarily funded by the Inter-American Development Bank), which is also the name of a territorial brand used within the strategy to promote selected product chains with high-value market potential: Grapes, Agriculture 2016, 6, 41 6 of 33 wines and singanis, goat...
Images adapted from: The Protein Data Bank [21]. However, the gIrmeaatgecshaadllaepntegde frionmt:hTehedPervoetleoinpmDaetnatBaonfke[f2f1e]c.twivwewk.rincsabs.eorgin. hibitors lies in the Howceovmepr,letxhietygorfekaitncohmaellednygneaminicsth, seindceevkeilnoapsme ...
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Cell Tissue Bank 2017, 18, 443–460. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 43. Cagnin, S.; Cimetta, E.; Guiducci, C.; Martini, P.; Lanfranchi, G. Overview of Micro- and Nano-Technology Tools for Stem Cell Applications: Micropatterned and Microelectronic Devices. Sensors 2012, 12, 15...