Set Static IP Address For CentOS 1.进入centos7命令行界面,输入ip add,这个就是虚拟机的Ip,记住这个名字。 2.输入cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts,进入这个文件夹,然后ls查看文件目录,然后你会找到你上一步的那个Ip连接。vi ifcfg-enoxxxxx进入编辑。 3.按照下图编辑。随后Shift+:wq!保存退出。 4. vi /...
IPADDR=<additional_static_ip_address> NETMASK=<subnet_mask> 注意将<interface_name>替换为实际的网络接口名称,<alias_number>为别名编号(从0开始),<additional_static_ip_address>为要添加的静态IP地址,<subnet_mask>为子网掩码。 3、重启网络服务:与配置主网络接口的静态IP相同,完成新配置文件的编辑后,需要重...
在虚拟机中,给CentOS设置静态IP地址 How to configure static IP address on CentOS 6.5 minimal BYRASHO· 02/04/2014 By defaultCentOSminimalinstalldoes not come with pre-configure network. In this small tutorial i will explain how to set static ip address on CentOS 6.5 minimal. First, need to e...
Question: On CentOS 7, I want to switch from DHCP to static IP address configuration with one of my network interfaces. What is a proper way to assign a static IP address to a network interface permanently on CentOS or RHEL 7? If you want to set up a static IP address on a network ...
::设置IP地址、掩码及网关 netsh interface ip set address "本地连接" source=static addr= mask= gateway= atuo ::设置DNS地址 netsh interface ip set dns "本地连接" static primary netsh interface ip add dns "本地连接" index=2 ...
BOOTPROTO=static(修改为静态地址)IPADDR=修改为想要的IP地址)GATEWAY=网关,需要和本地Windows同个网段)DNS1=跟网关一致就行) 重启网络 service network restart 修改主机名(HOSTNAME= hadoop112) [root@hadoop112/]# vi/etc/sysconfig/network ...
BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= PREFIX=24 GATEWAY= DNS1= DNS2= DELAY=0 注意:最好切换到root帐户操作,否则保存时可能会提示:E45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override) 4、编辑ifcfg-eth0
[root@linux ~]# ip link set eth0 address aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa[root@linux ~]# ip link show eth0 # 如果你的网卡支持MAC更改的话,# 那么上面这个命令就可以更改你的网卡MAC了!# 不过,还是那句老话,测试完之后请立刻改回来! 在这个设备的硬件相关信息设定,上面包括 MTU, MAC 以及传输的模式等等,都...
~]#iplinkseteth1nameeth2up ~]#iplinkseteth2multicastoffmtu1000 b):ip link [show|list]显示全部网络接口的属性。~]#iplinkshow 2、ip addr命令 配置网络接口的ip地址。它的使用格式如下:a):ip addr add IPADDR dev IFACE[label NAME][broadcast ADDRESS][scope SCOPE_VALUE]增加一个ip...
2)IP地址MAC地址 [CentOS6] $ ifconfig -a [CentOS7] $ ip address show 3)路由 [CentOS6] route -A inet6 -n [CentOS7] ip -6 route show (14)重启关闭 1)关闭 [CentOS6] $ shutdown -h now [CentOS7] systemctl poweroff 2)重启 [CentOS6] shutdown -r now ...