001、configure: error: libcurl library not found 002、解决方法 [root@pc1 test01]#yum -y install libcurl-devel 。
如果curl已经安装,但仍然出现“could not find curl (missing: curl_library curl_include_dir)”的错误,这通常意味着curl的库文件或头文件没有正确安装或配置。你可以使用以下命令来查找curl的库文件和头文件: bash find /usr -name 'libcurl*' find /usr -name 'curl*' 这些命令将帮助你定位curl的库文件和...
configure: error: OpenSSL libs and/or directories were not found where specified! 是因为安装openssl时没启用shared选项,没有生成共享库 2 问题: /usr/bin/ld: warning: libcrypto.so.1.0.0, needed by ../lib/.libs/libcurl.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link) 解决方式: env LDFLAGS...
Configuration failed because libcurl was not found. Try installing: * deb: libcurl4-openssl-dev (Debian, Ubuntu, etc) * rpm: libcurl-devel (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL) * csw: libcurl_dev (Solaris) If libcurl is already installed, check that 'pkg-config' is in your PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH ...
系统在初始化的时候已经安装了 curl 工具包,但是某一天突然在终端使用 curl 命令时发现提示 -bash: curl: command not found 以为系统中并没有安装 curl 工具,于是输入命令重新安装 yum -y install curl # 软件包 curl-7.29.0-59.el7_9.1.x86_64 已安装并且是最新版本 # 无须任何处理 终端提示已经安装 解...
./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --enable-ipv6 --enable-java --with-net-snmp --with-libcurl --with-libxml2 --with-unixodbc --with-ssh2 --with-openipmi --with-openssl --prefix=/usr/local/zabbix #可能会出现以下的报错信息,建议直接全部安装 ...
之后对zabbix进行configure还是会遇到这个问题,那么将jabber目录指定即可:#./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --with-net-snmp --with-jabber=/usr/local/ --with-libcurl 3 configure: error: Not found curl Library 复制
--enable-proxy---> 支持zabbix代理服务器 --with-libcurl---> 使用curl包 --with-net-snmp---> 使用net-snmp软件包,选择性地指定路径NET-SNMP配置 --with-mysql=/usr/bin/mysql_config 使用MySQL客户端库可以选择指定路径mysql_config 注:如出现configure: error: MySQL library not found错误,是因...
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/zabbix --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --with-net-snmp --with-libcurl --with-libxml2 --with-gettext 编译源码是最容易出错的 常见的'Not found XXX library', Not found mysqllclient library : 安装mysql-devel yum install mysql-devel -y ...
yum install libcurl-devel.x86_64 No package 'speexdsp' found yum install speex-devel.x86_64 speex-tools.x86_64 You need to either install libldns-dev or disable mod_enum in modules.conf yum install ldns-devel You need to either install libks2 or libks or disable mod_verto in modules....