man 5 sudoers1)sudo能够授权指定用户在指定主机上运行某些命令,如果未授权使用sudo,会使用邮件提示管理员 2)sudo可以提供日志,记录每个用户使用sudo操作情况 3)sudo为系统管理员提供配置文件,允许系统管理员
# useradd defaults file GROUP=100 #表示可以创建普通组 。 users组ID为100 。如果没有这一条,或者你把users这个组删除了,当你再创建用户时,将提示:useradd: group '100' does not exist HOME=/home #哪个目录作为用户主目录存放目录。如果你不想让用户家目录在/home下,可以修改这个地方。 INACTIVE=-1 #...
首先,安装编译、开发所要用到的库和工具: sudo yum groupinstall"Development tools" 请注意,你可能会遇到错误,说"Group Development tools does not exist",一般这是你的系统没有合适的repository造成的,不过在默认情况下,即使是最小安装的CentOS也能顺利找到这个包组。你也可以尝试安装EPEL等repository。另外,你的服...
$ sudo dnf install /path/to/package.rpm Docker is installed but not started. The docker group is created, but no users are added to the group. Start Docker Engine. $ sudo systemctl enable --now docker This configures the Docker systemd service to start automatically when you boot your...
Use theusermodcommand to add a user to thewheelgroup. usermod -aG wheel [username] For example, to adduser1, run: usermod -aG wheel user1 The command has no output Step 5: Switch to the Sudo User To test whetheruser1has sudo privileges, switch to theuser1account with thesu (substi...
Warning: Module or Group 'Development Tools' does not exist. Error: Nothing to do. If possible, could you please help me execute sudo dnf group info "Development Tools"? With that information, I can proceed to install all the packages within this group. from Rocky 8.6 Last metadata ...
sudo usermod -aG developers john 复制代码 查看用户组信息:要查看已存在的用户组信息,可以使用cat命令查看/etc/group文件。或者,可以使用getent命令来获取用户组信息。例如,要查看developers用户组的信息,可以运行以下命令: getent group developers 复制代码 修改用户组:要修改用户组的属性,可以使用groupmod命令。例如...
[DEBUG ] create the init path if it does not exist [ceph-mon01][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph.target [ceph-mon01][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph-mon@ceph-mon01 [ceph-mon01][WARNIN] Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ceph-mon.target....
Fedora Asahi Special Interest GroupAsahi Linux SetupMost of the hard work, including the kernel and boot software, was done by the Asahi Linux project and their development team.While you will end up with a fairly usable computer, the exact hardware features you want may not be ready yet. ...