Here are the steps to open a port in CentOS using the command-line interface: Step 1: Check the Current Status of firewalld To check the firewalld services, the “systemctl” command is utilized with the “status” utility as below: $ systemctl status firewalld The output shows that t...
Open/Close Port in Centos 1. Show status 1 /etc/init.d/iptablesstatus 2.Set Port 1 2 iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT 3.Save change 1 /etc/init.d/iptablessave 4.Restart 1 /etc/init.d/iptablesrestart...
We can check the ports that are opened in the current default zone with ‘--list-ports’. [root@centos7 ~]#firewall-cmd --list-ports100/tcp As expected we see that TCP port 100 is open. Should we wish to remove a port, we can use ‘--remove-port=’ instead. We can also open...
tomcat 默认端口是 8080 ,如需更改,在tomcat / conf目录下 ,编辑server.xml 找到 <Connector port=”8080″ protocol=”HTTP/1.1″ connectionTimeout=”20000″ redirectPort=”8443″ /> yum安装yum install -y lrzsz 上传rz 下载sz Post Views: 176...
安装openvpn并写入服务端配置文件 代码语言:javascript 复制 [root@Web01 easy-rsa]# yum-y install openvpn[root@Web01 easy-rsa]# cat/etc/openvpn/server.conf port1194#端口 proto udp #协议 dev tun #采用路由隧道模式 ca/opt/easy-rsa/pki/ca.crt #ca证书的位置 ...
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 514 -j ACCEPT 1. 2. 2、配置rsyslog 编辑/etc/rsyslog.conf,去掉以下配置项前的注释,如果没有就添加该配置项。 $PreserveFQDN on #用于正确的获取主机名,暂时应该没用到 ...
You are now ready to open the other ports you want to allow traffic to. Use the same command as you used to open the port 22 and 80 in the previous example. 4. List Current Rules List the current rules using: sudo iptables -L The output should be similar to the one below: Chain ...
vim /etc/openvpn/server.conf local #监听地址 port 1194 #监听端口 proto tcp #监听协议 dev tun #采用路由隧道模式 ca /etc/openvpn/server/ca.crt #ca证书路径 cert /etc/openvpn/server/server1.crt #服务器证书 key /etc/openvpn/server/server1.key #服务器秘钥 ...
现在,需要配置OpenVPN服务器以使用生成的证书和密钥。 切换到OpenVPN配置目录: cd /etc/openvpn 复制并编辑服务器配置文件模板(例如server.conf.example)为server.conf: cp server.conf.example server.conf nano server.conf 在server.conf文件中,配置服务器的证书、密钥、端口、协议等参数。例如: port 1194 proto...
二、安装openGuess 1.初始化操作系统环境配置 (1)配置网络内核参数 [root@local151 ~]# vim /etc/sysctl.conf ... # 添加如下参数 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 26000 65500 net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 4194304 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 4194304 net....