#cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts 该目录下有机器网络接口的配置文件,比如ifcfg-em1,…,ifcfg-em4分别对应了四个网口;大多机器上接口名字可能是ifcfg-eth0,ifcfg-eth1,…,ifcfg-eth3。没关系,只是命名不一样,这个名字是可以修改的,后面介绍。 以下是一个命令行配置网络接口的例子,供参考。 用vim打开,比如使...
microcode_ctl network syslog sshd 选好后保存退出 重启#reboot 好,以上步骤都是在主机上做的,以后我们可以终端SSH上去。 开工!!! 解开所有压缩包 # tar zxvf ipp2p-0.99.15.tar.gz -C /usr/src/ # tar zxvf l7-protocols-2008-02-20.tar.gz -C /usr/src/ # tar zxvf netfilter-layer7-v2.17.tar...
https://access.redhat.com/discussions/3791081 https://www.osetc.com/en/how-to-start-stop-restart-network-service-on-centos-8-or-rhel-8.html https://www.tecmint.com/set-static-ip-address-in-rhel-8/ https://www.tecmint.com/configure-network-connections-using-nmcli-tool-in-linux/ https:/...
19 忽略这些原来的数据,选择“Yes,discard any data”。20 别点击“Configure Network”,以后手动配置即可,然后点击“Next”。21 时区上,时区选择:亚洲/上海,往下拉选择“Asia/Shanghai”,然后点击“Next”。22 对root用户设置密码,然后输入密码,点击“Next”。23 磁盘分区选择,自定义布局,所以选择“Create...
These packages allow you to configure an IMAP or SMTP mail server(这些软件包允许您配置IMAP或SMTP邮件服务器) Network File System Client(网络文件系统客户端) Enables the system to attach to network storage .(使系统能够连接到网络存储。) Network Servers(网络服务器) These packages include network-based...
(FQDN), such ashostname.expample.com, but can be whatever hostname is necessary.GATEWAY=<value>, where<value>is the IP address of the network's gateway.GATEWAYDEV=<value>, where<value>is the gateway device, such aseth0. Configure this option if you have multiple interfaces on the same...
1. Instruct the system tolist your network deviceswith the command: nmcli d Find the network you want to configure for DHCP and copy its name. 2. Then,open the appropriate configuration file.Use the following command and paste the device name at the end: ...
use. However, the simple fact is that CentOS 9 is designed to provide enterprise-level services over network and internet connections. Therefore, a crucial part of learning how to administer a CentOS 9 system involves learning how to configure and manage the network interfaces installed on the ...
#进入到 /usr/local/src/目录下执行以下命令cd/usr/local/src/# 解压压缩包tar-zxvfnginx-1.24.0.tar.gz# 切换到 Nginx 解压目录cdnginx-1.24.0# 编译前的配置和依赖检查./configure# 编译安装make&&makeinstall 2.2.3关闭防火墙 # 查看防火墙状态systemctlstatusfirewalld# 关闭防火墙systemctlstopfirewalld ...
(1)配置:解压目录下 ./configure (2)编译:解压目录下 make (3)安装:解压目录下 make install .src.rpm的安装: 重启mysql数据库:service mysqld restart 切换到mysql命令:mysql -u root mysql设置密码:mysql>set password for ‘root’@’localhost’ =password(‘password’) ...