必须首先将Turbonomic升级到要部署 Rocky Linux的版本。 迁移需要两个位于/opt/turbonomic/kubernetes/migration的脚本 (备份脚本 (xl-backup.sh) 和复原脚本 (xl-restore.sh))。 对于CentOS-based安装,脚本在升级Turbonomic后可用。 注: 从Turbonomic8.12.2开始,kubeNodeIPChange.sh和kubeNodeCertUpdate.sh不包含在 R...
3. 开始从CentOS迁移到Rocky Linux的过程 最后,使用本地可用的脚本,用-r选项运行,以便从CentOS 8迁移到Rocky Linux 8。 复制 sudo bash migrate2rocky.sh –rPreparingtomigrate CentOS Linux 8toRocky Linux 8.Determining repository namesforCentOS Linux 8…..Found the following repositories which mapfromCentO...
更新:由于CentOS的更新服务器已经关闭,直接运行脚本会提示Can't get package that provides /etc/yum.repos.d/Centos-vault-8.5.2111.repo类似的消息,可以参考这篇文章看看切换之后能否成功,如果不成功的话,可以先直接迁移到almalinux(这个升级脚本不要求连接原来的centos源),然后再迁移到rockylinux,或者直接用almalinux...
DescriptionMigration ProcessReviews Upgrade with ease and confidence with Project78 Cloud.Our Cloud Upgrade-as-a-Service program ensures a smooth transition of your RHEL 7 or CentOS 7 server to either RHEL8 or Rocky Linux 8.We have revolutionized the upgrade process by eliminating the need for co...
Preparing to migrate CentOS Linux 8 to Rocky Linux 8. Determining repository names for CentOS Linux 8.Importing GPG key 0x5F11735A: Userid : "Remi's RPM repositoryremi@remirepo.net" Fingerprint: 6B38 FEA7 231F 87F5 2B9C A9D8 5550 9759 5F11 735A ...
Rocky-Login-Screen-after-migration 输入凭据,然后单击登录 Rocky-Linux-After-Migration 我的开源项目 ...
Thus the jump is possible from CentOS 7 to e.g.AlmaLinux 8 or Rocky Linux 8. Conclusion While there are suitable technical open source solutions to the approaching EOL of CentOS 7, one should clarify nevertheless whether one wants to take the risks of these Community projects - as for examp...
Rocky McGaugh,创建了 Rocky Linux 与 RHEL 百分之百兼容,目的是用于替代 CentOS Stream 发行版本。
Migration scripts completes with no errors on local computer: Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration done BootCurrent: 0000 Timeout: 1 seconds BootOrder: 0003,0000,0002,0001 Boot0000* CentOS Linux Boot0001* UEFI: Built-in EFI Shell Boot0002* UEFI OS Boot0003* Rocky Linux Done...
在现有的模式下,CentOS Stream 已经与原有采用 CentOS 的用户初衷背离,已有的 CentOS7 用户需要寻找新的替代品,在国产化的浪潮下,选择的方向也发生了一定的变化。 社区替代品 Rocky Linux ❝ Rocky Linux aims to function as a downstream build as CentOS had done previously, building releases after they ha...