Learn the definition of Centigrade and understand how it differs from Celsius. Discover how Centigrade is converted to Fahrenheit with various...
This is possible to know and compare by knowing the temperature in centigrade scale. Furthermore, it can take place on the scale of Fahrenheit as well. But the most basic unit and rule to measure and represent temperature value was Centigrade. Students will learn about its definition and ...
Celsius scale international scale Related Words temperature scale Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun...
Well, possibly, but the true difference is that the two countries use different temperature scales. The United States favors theFahrenheitscale, in which 37° is wintry. Canadians, and most of the world, use theCelsiusscale, in which 37° is equivalent to 98.6° Fahrenheit—body temperature!
主要翻译 英语中文 centigraden(temperature scale)(温度)SCSimplified Chinese摄氏的shè shì de TCTraditional Chinese攝氏的 Most countries use centigrade for measuring temperatures, but the U.S. uses Fahrenheit. centigrade, Cadj(degrees)SCSimplified Chinese摄氏度的 ...
Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. degree centigrade- a degree on the centigrade scale of temperature C,degree Celsius degree- a unit of temperature on a specified scale; "the game was played in spite of the 40-degree temperature" standard temperature- exactly zero degrees centigrade ...
A person's normal temperature is 37degrees Centigrade. 人的正常体温是三十七摄氏度. 辞典例句 The average temperature is 20degrees centigradeor so, I suppose. 我估计,平均气温在20℃上下吧. 高一英语口语 The thermometer read zerodegrees centigradeor thirty - two degrees in the fahrenheIt'scale. ...
Anders Celsius of Sweden first devised the centigrade scale in the early 18th century. But in his version, 100° marked the freezing point of water, and 0° its boiling point. Later users found it less confusing to reverse these two. To convert Fahrenheit degrees to centigrade, subtract 32 ...
17. I know how to convert Fahrenheit to the centigrade scale. 我知道怎样把华氏温度转变为摄氏温度。 18. For example, the laws of nature dictate that a value of 273.15 on the Kelvin temperature scale-the f reezing point of water-should always convert to a value of 0.0 on the Centigrade ...
对比记忆:与fahrenheit(华氏度)相对比,记住centigrade是另一种温度度量方式。 常用词组: centigrade scale 摄氏温标 centigrade thermometer 摄氏温度计 centigrade temperature 摄氏温度 convert to centigrade 转换为摄氏度 measure in centigrade 用摄氏度测量 词根词缀及记忆方法: centi- 是前缀,表示“百”,grade 表示“...