Centigrade temperature (°C) is related to Fahrenheit temperature (°F) by the formula F = C + 32. The formula is then solved for Centigrade as shown below: F = C + 32 F − 32 = C (F − 32) = C What is wrong with this solution?
Conversion from to Formula 9/5 = 1.8 9/4 = 2.25 10/8 = 1.25 Fahrenheit Celsius C = (F − 32) / 1.8 Fahrenheit kelvin K = (F + 459.67) / 1.8 Fahrenheit Rankine Ra = F + 459.67 Fahrenheit Réaumur Re = (F − 32) / 2.25 Celsius Fahrenheit F = C × 1.8 + 32 Celsius ...
Q1. Centigrade (Celsius) scale conversion can take place into Kelvin scale by formula Ω°C = Temperature in Kelvin + 273 Also, Ω°C = Temperature in Kelvin – 273 Ω°C = Temperature in Fahrenheit + 273 Finally, Ω°C = Temperature in Fahrenheit –273 A1. The answer is B. Because...
💡 If we convert 0 centigrade to Celsius, we get 0 degrees Celsius. Other related temperature converters Here are some other temperature converters that you may find useful: Temperature conversion; Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter; Celsius to Fahrenheit Converter; Kelvin to Celsius converter; Kelvin ...