.box.flex{display:flex;justify-content:center;}.box{padding:.5rem;height:300px;box-shadow:2px 2px 5pxrgba(0,0,0,0.03);border-radius:4px;color:#84613D;font-family:"Lucida Console",Monaco,monospace;background:#FDF9EA;border-bottom:1px solid #F9F2D6;border-right:1px solid #F9F2D6;}...
Equal padding on top and bottom can give the centered effect for multiple lines of text too, but if that isn’t going to work, perhaps the element the text is in can be a table cell, either literally or made to behave like one with CSS. Thevertical-alignproperty handles this, in this...
In order to make it look centered, we can make some shift to the element to little on top and/or left side; that shift should be equal to half the width and/or height of the element. What comes to your mind to make these shifting with CSS? I think CSS transform property is all w...
Remember that when you’re “centering in CSS” it’snot alwayswithin these extreme situations. Let’s look at another situation, just for fun. Say you need to horizontally center someinline-*¹elements…text-align: center;gets you there as a one-liner: CodePen Embed Fallback But what if...
CSS level 2 doesn't have a property for centering things vertically. There will probably be one in CSS level 3. But even in CSS2 you can center blocks vertically, by combining a few properties. The trick is to specify that the outer block is to be formatted as a table cell, because ...
I wrote a guide about CSS positioning in detail. Learn about CSS positioning. In case the element width is known, you can use a negative margin instead of CSS transforms. .plate { position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: -60px; } Vertical...
In this article, Stephen Shaw introduces a technique for perfect horizontal and vertical centering in CSS, at any width or height. The techniques works with percentage-based width/height, min-/max- width, images, position: fixed and even variable content
Code for centering elements in css. From https://css-tricks.com/centering-css-complete-guide/ Translation 简体中文 Contents To make everyone understand the centering in css, we use a tree contents. Horizontally Centering inline or inline-* elements (like link or text) horizontally Centering bloc...
Centering image in HTML using CSS Hello guys, I know that we can center and IMG tag by putting it within a phone tag then applying align attribute to it. e.g This image is going to be centered . my question:. How can I achieve the same alignment above with CSS instead. img{...
css tables可能更合适,但是也不一定。 table确实渲染的方式和普通的block不一样。例如100%长度的元素,table只会根据内部需求设置长度(为什么我在本地试一下,并不是,有待考察),而block的div是拓展到和父类元素一样宽。 然后某人给我写到一个很聪明的方法。 如果我们设置一个ghost元素在父类元素中,这个ghost元素的...