On the monitoring TV, the bottom gave a beatific smile as his partners jacked off over his upturned face. To ease his pulsating nerves Kieran bolted a mouthful of watery, cold coffee. Theater two’s door hinges squealed as it swung open. He leaned across the counter on his elbows. A pa...
To open a door, you push on the part of the door that is farthest from the hinges. Why would it be harder to open the door if you pushed on the center of it? Why do we not put door handles in the center of the door? W...
I, for one, get it. The initial post here is basically beating all the "Sony-istas" to the punch. It's no secret that there are at least a handful of pro-Sony loonies here at PIC who try to suggest that purchasing anything BUT a Sony is somehow criminal behavior punishable by deat...